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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 6 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - September 2, 1997 <br />B. Matter of Vacating a Public Right-of-Way, Portion of Pike Avenue, <br />Approximately 395 Feet ± West of Wicks Boulevard to Griffith Street. <br />- Letter Received Opposing the Pike Avenue Vacation <br />- Mr. R. E. Lee, Robert E. Lee Construction Company, 13591 <br />Lake Chabot Road, San Leandro, dated August 27, 1997. <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above <br />matter, Uche Udemezue, City Engineer, addressed the Council, giving a <br />brief staff report regarding the proposed vacation. <br />Council discussion ensued and concerns regarding the availability of the <br />gatesperson were expressed, as it would relate to being available for <br />truck traffic that needed access. <br />Jeff Otto, Director of Operations, Coca Cola, addressed the Council, <br />explaining their operations in greater detail, and urging the Council to <br />support the proposed vacation of a portion of Pike Avenue. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Issac Quintaro, 2995 Knickerbacher Lane, addressed the Council in <br />opposition to the proposed vacation, stating it will impinge on his <br />business and his livelihood. Although Pike Avenue will be open in front <br />of his business, he feels his business will be affected and would rather <br />sell his property to Coca Cola. He noted that Coca Cola has not been <br />interested in purchasing his property. <br />Lou DiMenco, Avanti Storage, Griffith Street, addressed the Council with <br />concerns regarding truck access. He stated, if Pike Avenue is closed, <br />there will only be two ways out of there. He noted there are already <br />problems with trucks double parking and robberies. He added that 200 <br />trucks go in and out of that area every day. He, too, expressed <br />concerns with the availability of the gatesman when trucks arrive and <br />added that it will be inconvenient. He cannot be sure of when trucks <br />will arrive. He concluded by stating concerns with congestion on <br />Burroughs Avenue. <br />Bob Davidson, 1447 Griffith Street, addressed the Council, stating there <br />is no way, if there is a gate there, that a large truck can get in <br />there. He added that there is seldom parking open on Griffith Street <br />and Burroughs Avenue is very congested. He stated his opposition to the <br />vacation of Pike Avenue, stating traffic, parking, and access issues as <br />being foremost. He also noted the signage at Burroughs and Wicks is <br />very bad. <br />Jeff Lee, 155 Grand Avenue, representing the property owner at Griffith <br />Street and Pike Avenue, addressed the Council and stated he would like <br />to see 110 feet maintained for truck clearance. He noted they are <br />concerned with being able to keep the property 100% leased if the <br />vacation goes through. He also noted that there were design features <br />built into the property with accessibility to Pike Street in mind. He <br />concluded by stating, if Burroughs Avenue is the only access, they would <br />have reduced visibility concerns. <br />