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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 7 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - October 6, 1997 <br />7. OPEN FORUM <br />Open Forum is limited to 3 minutes maximum per speaker, 15 minutes total. <br />A. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the Council regarding the <br />proposed recycling ordinance. He feels there is no way the City can <br />enforce this ordinance City-wide - it is a resident/landlord issue. He <br />continued on by asking the Council to remove the Real Estate Transfer <br />Tax or, at the very least, put it to a vote of the people. He feels the <br />issue should be placed on the ballot, along with the water run-off <br />issue. <br />B. Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, addressed the Council, and agreed with <br />Mr. Filipovich that the Real Estate Transfer Tax and water run-off <br />issues should be placed on the ballot for the voters to decide. He also <br />referenced the need for a traffic light in front of the Mission Bay <br />Mobile Home Park. He concluded by asking if the Council will ever be <br />televised on cable television? <br />Vice Mayor Loeffler responded that other cities included the televising <br />of their Council Meetings in their cable franchise agreements at the <br />time they were negotiated. It was conveyed to Mr. Walker the costs <br />would be to the City when that has not been included in the franchise. <br />C. Herb Wadlin, 58 Santa Margarita, addressed the Council regarding the <br />blind spots as you exit the Mission Bay Mobile Home Park and the need <br />for a traffic signal there. <br />The City Manager commented that he has asked the Engineering staff to <br />take a look at the whole situation out there and to come back to the <br />Council with a report. <br />D. Lavern Anderson, 1495 - 149th Avenue, addressed the Council and thanked <br />staff for taking care of the weed problem at 1936 Fairway Drive. <br />Mr. Anderson also mentioned that the Veterans of Foreign Wars, 14th <br />District, will be having their Veteran's Day Parade soon and asked that <br />the City be financially supportive. He also mentioned it is getting <br />more difficult for them, given their age, to walk in the parade. He <br />mentioned that, in the past, cars had been donated for them to ride in, <br />but that has not been an option the last few years. <br />Mr. Anderson continued by asking for the removal of a Lloyd Wise sign <br />which indicates an "opening" which has already taken place, and <br />concluded by expressing his concerns that there are still so many people <br />running red lights in the City. <br />E. Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the Council regarding the <br />Lloyd Wise sign on the freeway, indicating they are advertising far <br />Oakland. He commented further that the City should get together with <br />other agencies in order to get the railroad crossings fixed and to get <br />a traffic signal in front of Mission Bay Mobile Home Park. <br />