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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 5 - <br />November 3, 1997 <br />The Mayor noted that the Police Department is very aware of the concerns <br />in the neighborhood and is addressing those concerns. The Council is <br />very concerned, as well, that citizens feel safe in their neighborhoods. <br />Council Member Lothrop commented that, when she spoke with the Police <br />Department, some of the things that were expressed tonight were not <br />things she is sure they were aware of. <br />Ms. Boland added that they are surrounded by residences occupied by gang <br />members, and they are very concerned about their safety -- something <br />needs to be done. <br />The Mayor requested that Ms. Boland, Council Member Lothrop, and she set <br />a time at which they can meet and discuss these issues further. <br />D. Laverne Anderson, 1495 - 159th Avenue, addressed the Council regarding <br />a recent incident whereby a visitor to San Leandro's downtown was given <br />a parking ticket while trying to get change to put in the meter. He <br />noted the City got $18 for the ticket, but the merchants in the downtown <br />lost because that person will most likely not come back and will tell <br />others to not come to San Leandro, also. <br />With regard to the violence being discussed tonight, he suggested the <br />City think about having unmarked cars in the area to record the <br />incidents. <br />E. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the Council regarding <br />"maintaining a nice record." He indicated that, when he stopped by City <br />Hall to pick up the Agenda for this evening, he was told there were no <br />Minutes available from the last Council Meeting, October 20. He feels <br />that is an ethical violation of the Brown Act. He expressed his <br />concerns that people are not informed adequately if the newspaper does <br />not report what was actually discussed and the Minutes are not available <br />either. He asked Council to review the Minutes and study them and ask <br />themselves how much of that information has appeared in the newspaper -- <br />so that the people who don't come to the Council Meetings can find out <br />what has taken place. <br />With regard to the Pay Plan changes on the Consent Calendar, he noted <br />that everybody and their brother who works for Civil Service is getting <br />a wage increase. He noted the Daily Review did not report on the recent <br />wage increase, which was 63%, for the Oakland City Council, which will <br />have to be picked up by the taxpayers. He concluded by commenting on <br />the ABAG funding, which he feels the Oakland Council has used to give <br />themselves a raise. <br />The Mayor clarified that the ABAG funding is designated for the joint <br />revitalization project only. <br />The City Clerk, in response to the comments regarding the Minutes, <br />stated that the Minutes were not on the Agenda due to the time <br />constraints resulting from the request for a verbatim transcript and <br />that she was not in the office for a portion of the week in which they <br />would have been transcribed. <br />