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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council Meeting Page - 5 - <br />November 24, 1997 <br />EIR - it's a 30-day statute of limitations - and because of the timeline the <br />Port is under to approve the EIR and the Master Plan by the 15th of <br />December, the City Council must take this action at this time, even though <br />we don't have a final EIR, and we are not certain whether all of the <br />mitigation measures or any of the mitigation measures that we have suggested <br />are incorporated into the project. The fact that a particular comment has <br />not been made by the City does not mean the City is precluded from raising <br />that issue in litigation. If the comment was made by any other party or any <br />other entity, then we can utilize those comments and the information that is <br />in the EIR, or the information that is lacking from the EIR, to make an <br />argument that the document is inadequate and the Port should not have <br />approved it. We are limited to the extent that you have to participate in <br />the administrative process in order to bring an action to challenge their <br />compliance with CEQA. The City has met that obligation. <br />In response to a question by Council Member Lothrop, Wandzia Grycz noted the <br />San Francisco Noise Insulation Program indicates a noise level, and that is <br />why she indicated in the staff report that, as part of the negotiations, we <br />would not be limiting our negotiations based on any contours that may be <br />cited for the City of San Leandro because she believes our case would be <br />diluted if we did. The intent of that particular mitigation measure would <br />be that we would negotiate a program that would be made available to <br />residences and school s i n San Leandro which fel t they had a noise i ssue <br />associated with the Port of Oakland's airport activities. <br />G. Francquois Gallo, 979 Woodland Avenue, addressed the Council regarding <br />the proposed insulation program, noting it is a secondary solution. <br />Double insulation means having double-paned windows - heavier doors - <br />but you still cannot enjoy your backyard or have a conversation outside. <br />He would prefer another solution that would be more desirable. He <br />referenced the expansion of the naval operations last month, noting the <br />Port did not acknowledge the concerns expressed. He questioned the <br />timing of the release of the EIR now, noting it is the holiday season <br />and many people will be busy and/or out of town. He concluded by <br />stating his appreciation for the time and effort the City is putting <br />into this. <br />Various Councilpersons noted their concerns with the timing of the release <br />of the EIR during the holiday season, as well. <br />Council Member Glaze commented on the "hands-off" approach that has been <br />taken with the Port of Oakland, and noted it will be very important for all <br />the agencies to band together to move forward with this effort. <br />H. Walter Hurt, addressed the Council and noted he has written three <br />letters to the EPA and has only gotten one letter back. They noted <br />there is only one air monitor in San Leandro, and it is located next to <br />the hospital. He feels we need to work toward getting more monitors. <br />He commented on how the airport figures their noise levels. He went on <br />to describe the difference between the CNEL (a noise curve) way and the <br />SENEL (single event noise exposure level) way. He further expressed <br />