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Minutes 1997 1215
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City Council
Minutes 1997 1215
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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 4 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Meeting - December 15, 1997 <br />Council clarified that seismic upgrading is a part of the multi-family <br />housing projects. It was also noted coordination is sought with Alameda <br />County Transit as it relates to joint projects. The possibility for <br />future light rail along East 14th Street was briefly discussed, and it <br />was noted that the City will work on following up on the County's <br />efforts. <br />Council Member Young commented that, perhaps, in planning for this <br />effort, we should try to do something along the line of the effort <br />between Oakland, ABAG, and San Leandro, regarding the revitalization <br />plan. <br />Council asked if there was a plan for a broad-based, community effort <br />for input. It was noted that there is not, but they are taking steps to <br />do so as an informal policy. <br />Council Member Lothrop expressed that she would love to see that in <br />writing. She also added that she would love to see something about <br />"sustainability" in the document, as well. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Patty Fee, 695 Martin Boulevard, addressed the Council in support of <br />getting public input, especially on Plaza 2. She added that we don't <br />need another restaurant there; we need something for young people and <br />teenagers. With regard to the possibility of having a double row of <br />trees on East 14th Street, she questioned if it wouldn't cause problems <br />with the sewer lines. <br />Tom Guarino, Representing the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, addressed <br />the Council, stating that all the projects cited provide great <br />opportunities. He complimented the staff on how they have reached out <br />to the industrial area. He concluded by commenting that there has been <br />a lot of integration between the City and the community. <br />Laverne Anderson, 1495 - 159th Avenue, addressed the Council regarding <br />the lack of County response to 159th Avenue. He added that the <br />Sheriff's Office should be writing more tickets and that it is an unsafe <br />area, especially for school kids. He commented further on the lack of <br />street sweeping in the area and, in conclusion, referenced the cemetery <br />in San Lorenzo, noting that it was citizens within the community that <br />cleaned it up. <br />Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the Council, asking if <br />tonight's Agenda, Item 4A, requires that when redevelopment plans are <br />merged, time limitations would be individually counted from the date of <br />adoption of each plan? He stated that a "quitclaimer deed" is nothing <br />more than a buzz word for redevelopment eminent domain. Following on <br />the community redevelopment law, although an act with good intent, he <br />noted it has become a vehicle for substantial and significant abuse. He <br />added that the CRL's intent was to remove blight and that the definition <br />has been abused. Tax increment financing takes needed property-tax <br />revenues from other local agencies. Legislation would return the tax <br />increment back to the cities. He added that the Legislative Analyst's <br />
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