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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />The City of San Leandro has acquired grant funding from the Department of Boating and <br />Waterways (DBW) to build a new two lane launch ramp near Mulford Point. <br />The project includes a new two lane ramp, two boarding floats, approximately 65 space <br />vehicle/trailer parking area, maneuvering area, boat ready lane, washdown area, new restroom, <br />and other items required for a successful project and its intended use. Design of improvements <br />shall meet DBW guidelines. Final documents shall require the contractor to construct a V-groove <br />test panel (5' by 5') of the approved concrete mix design to serve as the basis for accepting the <br />completed boat ramp finish. <br />PROJECT APPROACH <br />Task 1-ENGINEERING <br />Task lA -Project Initialization (Engineering Phase) <br />Kick-off meeting and introductions with representatives of the City and the DBW <br />The Consultant will meet with the City to: <br />^ Acquire existing relevant documents, including construction plans, specifications, permits, <br />and geotechnical data for existing improvements. <br />^ Set up methods and lines of communication, including acceptable electronic media <br />format. <br />^ Develop a schedule. <br />^ Develop a budget. <br />^ Set up schedule of meetings. <br />Consultant will visit the site and take digital photographs and field notes. <br />Task 1B -Data Gathering (Engineering Phase) <br />^ Consultant shall provide geotechnical data collection, including borings as required; the <br />Consultant shall secure all permits necessary to complete borings and the City will pay <br />any associated permit fees. A geotechnical report will be completed covering general site <br />data, building foundation, ramp support, design of AC paving section, and guide piling. <br />Relocate Boat Launch Ramp January 6, 2005 <br />Project. No. 150-38-246 Page 15 of 21 <br />