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^ Consultant shall provide topographic and hydrographic survey of the project area. This <br />will involve ground-level site survey work. The product will be in AutoCAD format. <br />Task 1C -Preliminary Design (Engineering Phase) <br />Consultant will develop the preliminary design plan. This plan shall be consistent with the "San <br />Leandro Marina Connections Plan" and will show, to scale, the existing site topography, the <br />proposed layout for all project elements, and other details required for initial review by the City <br />and the Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW). Consultant will prepare: preliminary <br />quantity amounts; an estimate of probable construction costs; and an outline of technical <br />specifications and proposed project materials. <br />Consultant will submit the preliminary plan, cost estimate, and specification outline to the City <br />and DBW for their reviews. On completion of reviews, Consultant will meet with City Staff to <br />receive comments and answer questions. Based on the meeting, Consultant will revise the <br />documents as necessary. <br />Consultant Deliverables: <br />^ Geotechnical report <br />^ Topographic and hydrographic survey in AutoCAD format <br />^ Meeting minutes <br />^ Preliminary plan, cost estimate, and technical specifications <br />^ Revised schedule and budget <br />Task 1D -Contract Documents (Engineering Phase) <br />Consultant will prepare the contract plans and technical specifications in accordance with the <br />City's standard format and "Green Book" where applicable <br />The contract plans will consist of the following: <br />^ Title sheet <br />^ Overall layout sheet <br />^ Existing improvements and demolition <br />^ Ramp layout, including maneuvering area <br />^ Landside layout <br />^ Grading plan and drainage <br />^ Utilities layout and details <br />^ Boarding float plan and details, including piling <br />^ Launch ramp details <br />^ Striping, signage, and paving details <br />^ Ramp plan and profile <br />^ Shore protection layout and details <br />^ Restroom layout, elevations, and details <br />Relocate Boat Launch Ramp January 6, 2005 <br />Project. No. 150-38-246 Page 16 of 21 <br />