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SECTION 1.0 <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />L1 PROJECT OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND <br />The City of San Leandro (City) is responsible for collecting and treating wastewater for <br />approximately two-thirds of the city. The WPCP serves approximately 50,000 residents and a <br />daytime work population of approximately 69,000. The City owns and operates a 7.6 million <br />gallon per day (mgd) water pollution control plant (WPCP) that produces secondary effluent <br />which is predominantly discharged into San Francisco Bay through the East Bay Dischazgers <br />Authority (EBDA) effluent outfall. EBDA is a joint powers authority comprised of the City of <br />Hayward, City of San Leandro, Oro Loma Sanitary District, Castro Valley Sanitary District, and <br />Union Sanitary District. EBDA holds a joint National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br />(NFDES) permit to discharge treated effluent into the Bay. <br />East Bay Muzucipal Utility District (EBMUD) provides potable water service to the City. In <br />1988, EBMUD entered into a contract with the City to purchase and distribute recycled water for <br />irrigation in Alameda and Oakland. Annually the WPCP provides an average of 0.4 mgd <br />(12.3 million gallons per month) recycled water to EBMUDt. The City's WPCP is the source of <br />recycled water for these areas; however, no recycled water is currently used within the City's <br />boundaries. The City is now proposing to implement the San Leandro Water Recycling Project <br />(Project) in order to use additional recycled water effluent from its WPCP for irrigation within the <br />City. The Project would result in an annual average of approximately 270 million gallons per <br />year of recycled water used in the City. Implementation of this project would not decrease the <br />amount of recycled water provided to Alameda and Oakland. <br />The City received a matching grant from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRGB) for <br />the preparation of a facilities planning report. The Draft Final Recycled Water Facilities <br />Planning Report (Facilities Planning Report) (Kennedy/Jerks Consultants, 2004) evaluated a <br />number of alternatives for providing recycled water to irrigate parks and golf courses in western <br />San Leandro in the vicinity of the EBDA effluent pipeline.2 On the basis of the Facilities <br />Planning Report evaluation, the City identified as its preferred Project (summarized in Table 1-1) <br />distribution of recycled water to the Monarch Bay Golf Complex (Phase la); Marina Park, the <br />During the dry months (May through October) the WPCP provides 0.67 mgd (20 million gallons per month) to <br />EBMUD. <br />Western.San Leandro was selected for irrigation with recycled water because the existing EBDA Pipeline provides <br />the distribution backbone for the recycled water distribution system. In addition the existing EBDA Pipeline passes <br />closely to significant open azeas requiring irrigation, thereby significantly reducing the overall project cost. Three <br />large parks exist east of the selected but require substantial capital improvement to construct the distzibution <br />system. The primary factor in selection of this area is water cost per acre. <br />San Leandro Recycled Water Project l-l ESA /203193 <br />Draft 1SMII~ID <br />