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Reso 2005-046
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2005-046
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7/30/2009 10:24:14 AM
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7/30/2009 10:24:10 AM
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PART II. PRIORITY HOMELESS NEEDS <br />Priority: Maintain, improve and expand (as needed) the capacity of housing, <br />shelter and services for homeless individuals and families <br />including integrated healthcare, employment services and other <br />services <br />Priority Analysis and Obstacles to Meeting Underserved Needs <br />The Alameda County HOME Consortium prepared, in part, the following analysis of the housing, shelter, <br />transitional and permanent supportive housing needs and obstacles. As a Consortium member, the City of <br />San Leandro subscribes to this priority and has proposed activities that meet the objective of maintaining, <br />improving and expanding the current capacity of the emergency and transitional housing and shelter system <br />while integrating them with needed social services. <br />The Alameda Countywide Homeless Continuum of Care Council sponsored a survey in 2003 that indicated <br />there were an estimated 6,215 homeless people (63% of whom were in Oakland and Berkeley) within <br />Alameda County on any given night, while an additiona14,205 at-risk homeless people required emergency <br />services. The County estimated that 53% of the homeless were women and 47% were men. Families and <br />adults accompanied by children made up 21 % of the homeless surveyed. In addition, the survey noted that <br />there were 1,280 chronically homeless people in the County, which represented 20% of the total homeless <br />population and two times the national average. While services and housing opportunities for homeless <br />people have steadily increased in Alameda County, they have not kept pace with the growth of <br />homelessness. <br />The Alameda Countywide Homeless Continuuun of Care Plan (1997) indicated that 38%-48% of the <br />County's homeless population had alcohol or other drug problems and 22%-42% had moderate to severe <br />mental health problems. There were a high percentage of people who were dually diagnosed with both <br />alcohoUother drug problem and some form of mental illness (19%-40% of total homeless). HIV infection <br />was estimated at 15%-25% of the total homeless adult population. For women, domestic violence was a <br />major cause of homelessness, affecting 22%-60% of homeless women. Veterans make up approximately <br />34% of the homeless populations (primarily male veterans). <br />The Continuum of Care Plan also indicated that 49% percent of the shelter beds in the County served <br />families, however the number of beds did not meet the number of homeless who needed them. These beds <br />were distributed across the County in proportion to the homeless population (i.e. most of the beds are in <br />Oakland and Berkeley, with the remaining 35% spread throughout the County). <br />Many of the shelter beds serve a portion of these subpopulations, however many people are more <br />comfortable and more willing to get services from shelters that target people with their specific needs. Many <br />shelters are unable to deal with the complex needs of some subpopulations, such as those dually diagnosed <br />and those released from prison. Currently beds inchlde shelter beds, supported housing units, and residential <br />Housing and Conununity Development Strategic Plan - FY 2005-09 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 14 <br />
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