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Executive Summary <br />FY 2005-2009 Five-Year Strategic Plan <br />Background -Consolidated Plan Process <br />Each year, San Leandro receives two federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gams. <br />The FY 2005-06 allocation for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is $844,512. The FY <br />2005-06 allocation for the Housing hlvestment Partnership Program (HOME) is $336,724. <br />Fiords from the CDBG pant must be used to meet one of three national objectives: 1) benefit to low and <br />moderate income persons, 2) aid in the prevention of slum and blight, or 3) meet urgent need. HOME funds <br />must be used specifically for housing opportunities for low and moderate-income persons. <br />The gant planning application process is known as the Consolidated Plan and includes aFive-Year <br />Strategic Plan and an annual update called the Action Plan. The Consolidated Plan process requires gantees <br />to provide a single submission document for several grant fund proposals, including CDBG and HOME <br />funds. The City is a CDBG entitlement community and, therefore, receives CDBG funds directly from <br />HUD. However, the City participates in the Alameda County HOME Consortium to apply for HOME funds. <br />The Consortium is made up of the Alameda County cities, excluding Berkeley and Oakland. The County <br />serves as the lead agency for the Consortium and is responsible for submittal of the Consolidated Plan <br />documents to HUD on behalf of the entire Consortium. The County serves as the lead agency for HOME <br />funds, while the City serves as the lead agency for CDBG fiords. <br />Citizen Participation <br />Federal regulations provide guidelines for the City to develop a citizen participation plan that governs the <br />process for receiving public input during the Consolidated Plan process. The goal of the citizen participation <br />plan, which the City amended in July 2004, is to encourage all citizens to participate in the planning and <br />implementation of all CDBG and HOME-funded progams. <br />Public participation in determining needs and priorities was incorporated into the Consolidated Plan process <br />in a variety of ways. To assess housing and community development needs, staff met with the executive <br />directors of the various nonprofit social service providers who receive City funding on October 25, 2004, <br />and with the Human Services Commission, whose members are City residents, on October 27, 2004. <br />Furthermore, the City conducted three public meetings in geogaphically dispersed locations to enable more <br />citizens to attend. They were held on January 15, 19, and 27 of 2005 (see Exhibit A for a summary of the <br />priority needs and general comments from the public meetings) and were advertised through many outlets <br />including the City website, City facilities like public libraries and City Hall, a press release and local <br />newspapers. In addition, public service providers and other orgaiuzations on the CDBG mailing list were <br />notified of the public meetings as well as the City's homeowners associations. <br />Housing and Community Development Strategic Plan - FY 2005-09 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 1 <br />