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<br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />described as follows: <br />A PORTION of that certain parcel of land described as "PARCEL ONE" and A <br />PORTION of that certain parcel of land described as "PARGEL THREE" as said parcels <br />are described in the TRUST TRANSFER DEED to BRYAN LUCCHESI,Trustee, recorded <br />August 16, 2002 as document number 2002357581, Official Records of Alameda <br />County, described as follows: <br />A STRIP of land, 10.00 feet in width, right angle measurement, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the western line of said "PARCEL ONE" with the <br />northern line of San Leandro Creek, running thence along said western line and <br />continuing along the western line of said "PARCEL THREE" North 7°22'00" East 138.00 <br />feet to an intersection with the northern line of said "PARCEL THREE"; thence along <br />last said line South 82°38'00" East 10.00 feet to an intersection with a line drawn parallel <br />with and distant 10.00 feet measured at right angles easterly from said western line of <br />said "PARCEL ONE" and said "PARCEL THREE"; thence along said parallel line, South <br />7°22'00" West 138.53 feet to an intersection with said northern line of San Leandro <br />Creek, said line being also the southern line of said "PARCEL ONE"; thence along last <br />said line North 79°38'00" West 10.01 feet to the point of beginning. <br />CONTAINING 1,383 square feet, more or less. <br />~5~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ <br />~~`` ~~~~1. H XU~yy~ ~°- <br />S ,e,r~ c~a~-1: ~ d l~ ~:~ <br />~ ~,~i632 ~ <br />