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Joint Powers Agreement — City of Fremont and City of San Leandro <br />Animal Shelter Services <br />of 6 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />This Scope of Services, Exhibit "A," (hereinafter "SOS") is incorporated by reference into the <br />above; referenced Agreement, under Agreement section 1. Fremont hereby agrees to provide the <br />following services to San Leandro <br />1. As used in this Agreement: <br />1.1 "Implementing Agreement" means' a written agreement and any written amendments <br />thereto signed by the City Managers of Fremont and the City Manager of Sail <br />Leandro, or their respective designees, on behalf of the Parties defining the; <br />operational details of the Agreement. The parties hereby authorize their respective <br />City Managers or respective designees to execute an Implementing Agreement <br />consistent with the terms of the Agreement. <br />1.2 "Shelter" means .the Fremont Animal Shelter, also known as the Tri -City Animal' <br />Shelter, located at 1950 Stevenson Boulevard, Fremont, California. <br />1.3 "Animal Shelter Services" means: <br />1.3.1 The care, ' feeding, boarding, maintenance, euthanasia,:. disposal, <br />redemption and adoption of dogs, cats; and other domestic Animals at the: <br />Shelter. <br />1.3.2 The availability of Shelter equipment and space for use by San Leandro. <br />Animal Control Officers, Community Service Officers; and Police; <br />Officers in accordance with the terms and conditions described in Exhibit <br />C for various purposes directly associated with performance of the task:, <br />described in SOS section 1.3. 1. <br />1.3.3 Animal Shelter Services includesonly incidental veterinarian care unless <br />otherwise provided in an.Implementing Agreement. <br />1.4 "San Leandro Animals'. means animals from within the city limits of San Leandro <br />and either impounded by. San Leandro Animal Control Officers or `surrendered to the: <br />Shelter, by citizen's of San: Leandro: <br />2: Fremont will provide Animal Shelter Services for San' Leandro Animals in accordance <br />with the law, and as more particularly described in the Implementing Agreement to. be: <br />executed by the Parties. <br />3. Payment for services described in this scope of services shall be as provided <br />Agreement section 2 and described in Exhibit "B". <br />