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Agmt 2005 Alameda County (2)
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2005 Alameda County (2)
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8/6/2009 5:33:12 PM
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8/6/2009 9:58:26 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2005-101
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It is the responsibility of the Operational Area Council to set the policies and procedures for the <br />governing of the Operational Area Emergency Management Organization and to review and approve <br />recommendations for changes to these policies and procedures on an annual basis. The Operational Area <br />Council will also serve as the Alameda County Civil Defense and Disaster Council, as described in the <br />Alameda County Administrative Code, Chapter VI. The County of Alameda will supply staff support for <br />the Operational Area Council. <br />6. PROVISION OF FACILITIES AND SUPPORT <br />The County of Alameda shall provide its emergency operations center as the site for the Operational Area <br />Emergency Management Organization. The County of Alameda will provide support staff for the <br />emergency operations center and all reasonable supplies for the Operational Area Emergency <br />Management Organization during actual activations, drills, and exercises. All parties to this Agreement <br />may provide representatives for decision making and liaison to operational elements of the Operational <br />Area Emergency Management Organization when activated. <br />The Operational Area Emergency Management Organization will facilitate the mutual aid systems used <br />by local agencies to assist each other in a disaster wit the resources necessary to save lives, mitigate <br />property loss, and meet the basic needs of the people. <br />7. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement shall be effective from the date executed by all parties until December 3 i, 2015. This <br />Agreement may be terminated prior to the conclusion of the term by mutual agreement of a majority of <br />the member parties. <br />8. WITHDRAWAL OF PARTY <br />Any party to this Agreement may withdraw as a party to this Agreement prior to the termination of the <br />term of this Agreement upon giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to all other parties. <br />9. ADDITIONAL PARTIES <br />Additional parties, who are public entities within the geographical boundaries of Alameda County, may <br />join in this Agreement and become a member party upon execution of an Exhibit to this Agreement in <br />which the entity agrees to be subject to the conditions and terms of this Agreement. The executed Exhibit <br />shall become a part of this Agreement automatically after the expiration of thirty (30) days following <br />notification by the new party to all other parties to the execution of the exhibit. Thereafter, the entity <br />shall be considered to be a party of this Agreement unless the entity withdraws as provided herein. <br />Provided however, in the event any existing party to the Agreement gives all other parties notice of its <br />objection to the addition of the particular entity becoming a member to this Agreement within the thirty <br />(30) day notice period, the addition of such party to this Agreement shall require the consent of atwo- <br />thirds majority to the then member parties. <br />10. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARNII,ESS <br />Each of the parties agree to indemnify and hold the other parties harmless and waives all claims for <br />compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death incurred in consequences of the acts or <br />omissions of the indemnifying parties' own employees and agents in the performance of this Agreement. <br />Alameda County Operational Area Agreement Page 4 <br />
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