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33433 Report-1103 Davis Street July ?005 <br />11~Iost Suitable for Residential Development <br />Residential use is consistent with the ROR redevelopment plan designation, as long as the <br />architectural character of residential development is compatible with both the single-family <br />neighborhood to the southwest and southeast and the modern two-story office building to the <br />site's east across a street. Davis Street's small-scale retail and restaurant uses will be supported <br />by additional residences in the area. <br />A small residential subdivision, nine attached townhomes totaling approximately 17,500 square <br />feet of construction, is the most feasible development given the size and shape of the Property, <br />and the proposal received from 1103 Davis Street LLC confirmed the viability of small-scale <br />residential development on the site. The estimated value of the interest to be conveyed for this <br />project is $520,000. <br />The development proposed by 1103 Davis Street LLC requires discretionary approvals from the <br />City of San Leandro, including a rezone to Residential Multi-Family with a Planned <br />Development Overlay (RM2500-PD) and a General Plan map amendment to designate the site as <br />Medium Density Residential. The entitlement process allows the City to require conditions of <br />approval that affect the scope of the development, such as replacing adjacent sidewalk sections <br />and tree grates. The developer will also pay the City's standard development fees. <br />Additional restrictions the Agency will place on the property, restricting its development <br />flexibility and therefore its value, include: <br />• maintenance standards; <br />• provision of one unit affordable to moderate-income households; <br />• Agency approval of changes in identity of developer; <br />• design review by Agency. <br />These conditions, in addition to the costs of preparing the site and constructing the buildings and <br />site improvements, contribute to the estimated $3,000,000 in development costs. <br />ELIMINATING BLIGHT <br />Davis Street is awell-traveled gateway into the City, with freeway on and off ramps less than <br />one-half mile from the Property. The Property, on ahighly-visible intersection, currently <br />consists of an unpaved vacant lot, buffered from the street by a chain link fence. Its prominence <br />led to its designation as a "key site" in the City's Urban Design Plan for the Davis Street <br />~OYYIC~Or (1991). <br />This project will result in nine attractive row houses with the potential for ground-floor home- <br />occupation work space, fulfilling the many of the design principles suggested by the Urban <br />Design Plan. The buildings will have entrances from Davis Street, creating a strong street <br />presence. Parking will be on a rear alley, onto which the buildings' garages face. The homes are <br />stucco with the roofs, with a number of windows and varying wall planes and roof heights, <br />breaking up the buildings' mass. The one way in, one way out proposed parking lot circulation <br />Page 4 <br />