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3. Continued Appointment; Assistants. <br />Section 4 of the Existing Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />City, by and through its Council, does hereby appoint Jayne W. Williams as City Attorney of the <br />City of San Leandro ("City Attorney") effective April 7, 2003. This appointment shall remain in <br />effect during the term of this Agreement and is subject to the terms and conditions hereof, and the <br />provisions of Section 425 of the Charter of City. City Attomey may recommend to the City <br />Council and the City Council may appoint from time to time such other members of Meyers Nave or <br />associates as assistants or deputies as she may deem appropriate or necessary to carry out her <br />duties and to provide the services described herein. <br />4. Compensation -Basic Services. <br />Section 5 of the Existing Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />City shall compensate Meyers Nave for all Basic Services described in Section 1 hereof in the <br />amount of $25,694 per month. This sum shall be payable in arrears and in equal monthly <br />installments. Annually, at the commencement of each succeeding fiscal year, the compensation <br />for Basic Services shall be adjusted by seventy-five percent (75%) of the change in the Consumer <br />Price Index for the San Francisco Bay Area, all urban consumers for the San Francisco, Oakland, <br />San Jose Metropolitan Area published bimonthly by the United States Department of Labor, <br />Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor index. <br />5. Compensation -Special Services. <br />Section 6 of the Existing Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />City shall compensate Meyers Nave for Special Services described in Section 2 of the Existing <br />Agreement in the amount of $165 per hour commencing August 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. <br />Commencing on July 1, 2006, the City shall compensate Meyers Nave for Special Services <br />described in Section 2 of the Existing Agreement in the amount of $170.00. Commencing July 1, <br />2007 and annually thereafter, at the commencement of each succeeding fiscal year, the <br />compensation for Basic Services shall be adjusted in an amount not less than seventy-five percent <br />(75%) of the change in the Consumer Price Index for the San Francisco Bay Area, all urban <br />consumers for the San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose Metropolitan Area published bimonthly by <br />the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor index. <br />The City, through its Redevelopment Agency, shall compensate Meyers Nave for all services to the <br />Redevelopment Agency, whether Basic Services or Special Services, in the amount of $190 per <br />hour commencing August 1, 2005. The compensation for Redevelopment Agency services shall <br />be adjusted annually in an amount not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the change in the <br />Consumer Price Index for the San Francisco Bay Area, all urban consumers for the San Francisco, <br />Oakland, San Jose Metropolitan Area published bimonthly by the United States Department of <br />Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics or any successor index. <br />2 <br />770871-1 <br />