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- Attachment A - <br />Guidelines for Citizen Appointments to Airport Research Groups, Advisory <br />Committees and Forums <br />Citizen appointments to any airport research group will be for a period of four years. <br />Appointments to any advisory committee or community forum will be for a period of two years. <br />The City Council will retain the discretion of extending an appointment as appropriate, <br />depending upon the subject and term of the group or forum. At the end of a term, an appointee <br />will continue to serve until a successor has been selected. <br />Any vacancies in any group, committee or forum, from whatever cause arising, shall be filled by <br />appointment by the City Council. <br />When an appointment is necessary for citizen representation to a group, committee or forum, the <br />City Council Airport Committee will direct staff to announce the application period to the <br />community. That announcement maybe by direct mail to interested individuals or homeowner <br />groups, by advertisement in the local newspaper, or other method as appropriate. <br />Any person desiring to be considered for an appointment to any airport research group, advisory <br />committee or forum shall complete an application as provided by the City. The application will <br />request the individual's name and contact information; present employer; any City Boards ar <br />Commissions served on; relevant education, experience or training; and qualifications to serve in <br />that capacity. <br />The Airport Committee will review the applications that have been received and direct staff to <br />invite appropriate applicants to an interview by a Subcommittee of the Airport Committee. <br />Based on information provided by the applicant and the recommendation of the subcommittee <br />interview, a recommendation will be made to the City Council for the appointment by motion at <br />a City Council meeting. <br />