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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />A-1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The San Leandro Marina Channel and Berth Dredging project consists of 2 major components: <br />City Berth Dredging and Federal Channel Dredging. <br />1. City Berth Dredging <br />The City of San Leandro is planning to accomplish maintenance dredging of the <br />marina berth areas in advance of the Federal channel dredging work. The project <br />includes hydraulic dredging of the berth areas and pumping of the dredged <br />material to the City's Dredged Material Management Site (DMMS) by a <br />contractor selected through the City's bidding process. In general, the <br />Consultant's scope of work under this item includes, but is not limited to, <br />scheduling and coordinating project tasks between the City, USACE, and City's <br />project environmental consultant (ESA); and preparing construction documents <br />and cost estimates. <br />2. Federal Channel Dredging <br />The City of San Leandro is working with the USACE to accomplish maintenance <br />dredging of the federally authorized Jack D. Maltester Channel at the San <br />Leandro Marina. The project includes hydraulic dredging and pumping of the <br />dredged material to the City's DMMS by the Corp's contractor. In general, the <br />Consultant's scope of work under this item includes, but is not limited to, <br />coordination of tasks and schedules between the City, USACE, and City's project <br />environmental consultant (ESA); assisting the City and the Corps of Engineers in <br />their preparation of plans and specifications for the Corp's construction <br />documents; review and comment of the Corp's construction documents. <br />A-2 SCOPE OF WORK <br />1. Task 1-Coordination with City, USAGE and City's Environmental <br />Consultant <br />The scope of Task 1 includes assisting in the identification of critical project tasks <br />and their schedule; assisting with the securing of permits and authorizations with <br />the necessary agencies (USACE, BCDC, RWQCB, F&G, Alameda County Flood <br />Control, etc.) by preparing the required design and construction documents; <br />review and analysis of the topographic and hydrographic surveys; scheduling <br />and/or attendance at project meetings (including USAGE meetings) and <br />preparation/distribution of meeting minutes; and associated tasks required to <br />maintain the project schedule. <br />San Leandro Marina Channel and Berth Dredging 2006 July 22, 2005 <br />597-57-200-5120 Page 15 of 21 <br />