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Davis Street -Doolittle Drive Intersection Improvements <br />Traffic Impact Fee Justification- AB 1600 Report <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />The proposed intersection improvements were identified based on the anticipated <br />increase inland use in the proposed impact fee areas, using a sophisticated traffic- <br />forecasting model developed by TJKM engineers. The model is based upon the <br />countywide model from the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency <br />(ACCMA). Analysis with the model included traffic estimates in terms of total entering <br />traffic in both a.m. and p.m. peak hours, origins and destinations of peak hour traffic, <br />amount of new traffic added in the proposed impact fee areas on a per square foot basis <br />and the proportional growth in traffic at the Davis-Doolittle intersection between 2003 <br />and 2025. <br />Consequently, without the proposed intersection improvements identified using the <br />traffic-forecasting model, the additional traffic generated by the anticipated increase in <br />land use in the proposed impact fee areas, will result in unacceptable levels of service at <br />the Davis-Doolittle intersection. The proposed intersection improvements, towards which <br />the proposed fees are to be used, will ensure acceptable level of service in the vicinity of <br />the prof ect, which will benefit the industrial land uses. <br />THE REASONABLE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE AMOUNT OF THE FEE <br />AND THE COST OF THE PUBLIC FACILITY OR PORTION OF THE PUBLIC <br />FACILITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE DEVELOPMENT ON WHICH THE FEE <br />IS IMPOSED (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66001 (B)) <br />The City of San Leandro has determined that existing and future traffic congestion at <br />Davis Street and Doolittle Drive requires intersection improvements that will cost <br />approximately $1,498,000 including design, right of way and construction. These <br />improvements are anticipated to be sufficient for forecast traffic demand through 2025. <br />TJKM determined that the entire increase in land use intensities is projected to occur with <br />general industrial use. The City of San Leandro currently charges a $0.83/square foot <br />DFSI rate for industrial development. The proposed supplemental fees will be in <br />addition to the current fees. The contributions of each of the traffic analysis zones <br />towards the increase trips are not equal, so the allocation of impact fee per square foot is <br />not equal. The reason is that zones further away contribute less traffic growth per <br />additional square foot than zones close to the intersection. <br />Table 2 shows the proposed supplemental impact fee per square foot for new <br />development in each zone. The airport expansion is shown as an aggregate impact fee <br />based upon the forecasted increase in trips through the intersection originating or destined <br />to the Oakland International Airport. Of the total estimated cost of $1,498,000, Zones 1 <br />thru 8 are assessed a total of 53% of the cost based on the impact. <br />The proposed fee was developed by spreading the total cost of the required traffic <br />improvements over the anticipated growth in land use and the associated new trips, <br />