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SECTION B: INVESTMENT OF AVAILABLE RESOURCES <br />Goal A: Provide Decent Housing <br />Priority # L Increase the availability of affordable rental housing for low- and <br />moderate-income families. <br />• The City supported the Alameda County Housing Authority's (ACHA) applications for <br />additional Section 8 rental assistance vouchers that could be used for San Leandro <br />residents. ACHA provided 1,178 Section 8 vouchers for rental assistance in San <br />Leandro, including 59 new vouchers. <br />• The City worked with three experienced regional non-profit developers to develop <br />properties on East 14th Street, which is a major commercial and residential corridor that <br />falls within two of the City's Redevelopment project areas. While two of these projects <br />were not able to progress past the acquisition phase, the City worked closely for a year <br />with one of the developers, Ecumenical Association for Housing, to acquire and build <br />housing located on East 14th and Bancroft Streets. However, the City is still working <br />with the third developer, Mercy Housing California (MHC). The City's Redevelopment <br />Agency began the acquisition phase of a 67 unit, three-story, motel (Islander Motel) to <br />transform the property into affordable rental housing. The Agency has been working with <br />MHC on a property management and development plan. The Agency will eventually <br />transfer this motel to MHC to own, develop, and manage it as affordable housing. Escrow is <br />expected to close September 2005. <br />• The Multi-family Management Assistance Program (MMAP) provided training to 29 <br />owners and managers, 24 of them from San Leandro. <br />The City continues to track requests for its apartment rehabilitation program, but there <br />were no inquiries to date. <br />Priority # 2. Preserve existing affordable rental and ownership housing for <br />low- and moderate-income households. <br />• The Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program for single-family houses provided <br />eleven (11) housing rehabilitation loans, using Redevelopment Housing Set Aside Funds. <br />Of these 11 loans, three (3) were to extremely low income, seven (7) to very low income, <br />and one (1) to low-income households. <br />• The Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program for minor home repairs provided <br />13 grants to home owners, seven (7) of which were for mobile home rehabilitation. Of <br />Draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY2004-2005 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 4 <br />