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BUILDING AMERICA' UPRR Folder No.: 2269-86 <br />ARTICLE 1 - EXHIBITS B AND B-1. <br />The general terms and conditions marked Exhibit B, and the Contractor's insurance <br />requirements marked Exhibit B-1, are attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. <br />ARTICLE 2 - RAILROAD GRANTS RIGHT. <br />For and in consideration TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED ($29,800.00) <br />to be paid by the Political Body to the Railroad upon the execution and delivery of this Agreement <br />and in further consideration of the Political Body's agreement to perform and abide by the terms of <br />this Agreement including all exhibits, the Railroad hereby grants to the Political Body the right to <br />establish or reestablish, construct or reconstruct, maintain, repair and renew the road crossing over <br />and across the Crossing Area. <br />ARTICLE 3 - DEFINITION OF CONTRACTOR <br />For purposes of this Agreement the term "Contractor" shall mean the contractor or <br />contractors hired by the Political Body to perform any Project work on any portion of the Railroad's <br />property and shall also include the contractor's subcontractors and the contractor's and <br />subcontractor's respective employees, officers and agents. <br />ARTICLE 4 - CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT - INSURANCE <br />A. If the Political Body will be hiring a Contractor to perform any work involving the Project <br />(including initial construction and any subsequent relocation or maintenance and repair work), the <br />Political Body shall require the Contractor to: <br />execute the Railroad's then current Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement <br />obtain the then current insurance required in the Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement; <br />and <br />• provide such insurance policies, certificates, binders and/or endorsements to the Railroad <br />before allowing any Contractor to commence any work in the Crossing Area or on any <br />other Railroad property. The Railroad's current insurance requirements are described in <br />Exhibit B-1, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. <br />B. The Railroad's current Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement is marked Exhibit D, attached <br />hereto and hereby made a part hereof. The Political Body confirms that it will inform its Contractor <br />that it is required to execute such form of agreement and obtain the required insurance before <br />commencing any work on any Railroad property. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be <br />allowed on the Railroad's property without first executing the Railroad's Contractor's Right of Entry <br />Agreement and obtaining the insurance set forth therein and also providing to the Railroad the <br />insurance policies, binders, certificates and/or endorsements described therein. <br />C. All insurance correspondence, binders, policies, certificates and/or endorsements shall be sent <br />to: <br />Public Road At -Grade Crossing Agreement Articles of Agreement October 6, 2005 <br />Form Approved, AVP -law— 3/10/05 Page 2 of 5 <br />