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BUILDING AMERICA' UPRR Folder No.: 2269-86 <br />D. The Political Body agrees to reimburse the Railroad for one hundred percent (100%) of all <br />actual costs incurred by the Railroad in connection with the Project including, but not limited to, <br />actual costs of preliminary engineering review, construction inspection, procurement of materials, <br />equipment rental, manpower and deliveries to the job site and all of the Railroad's normal and <br />customary additives (which shall include direct and indirect overhead costs) associated therewith. <br />ARTICLE 7 - PLANS <br />A. The Political Body, at its expense, shall prepare, or cause to be prepared by others, the <br />detailed plans and specifications and submit such plans and specifications to the Railroad's Assistant <br />Vice President Engineering — Design, or his authorized representative, for review and approval. The <br />plans and specifications shall include all Roadway layout specifications, cross sections and <br />elevations, associated drainage, and other appurtenances. <br />B. The final one hundred percent (100%) completed plans that are approved in writing by the <br />Railroad's Assistant Vice President Engineering—Design, or his authorized representative, are <br />hereinafter referred to as the "Plans". The Plans are hereby made a part of this Agreement by <br />reference. <br />C. No changes in the Plans shall be made unless the Railroad has consented to such changes in <br />writing. <br />D. Notwithstanding the Railroad's approval of the Plans, the Railroad shall not be responsible <br />for the permitting, design, details or construction of the Roadway. <br />ARTICLE 8 - EFFECTIVE DATE; TERM; TERMINATION. <br />A. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date first herein written, or the date work <br />commences on the Project, whichever is earlier, and shall continue in full force and effect for as long <br />as the Structure remains on the Railroad's property. <br />B. The Railroad, if it so elects, may terminate this Agreement effective upon delivery of written <br />notice to the Political Body in the event the Political Body does not commence construction on the <br />portion of the Project located on the Railroad's property within twelve (12) months from the date <br />of this Agreement, or from the date that the Railroad has executed this Agreement and returned it <br />to the Political Body for its execution, whichever is applicable. <br />C. If the Agreement is terminated as provided above, or for any other reason, the Political Body <br />shall pay to the Railroad all actual costs incurred by the Railroad in connection with the Project up <br />to the date of termination, including, without limitation, all actual costs incurred by the Railroad in <br />connection with reviewing any preliminary or final Project Plans. <br />Public Road At -Grade Crossing Agreement Articles of Agreement October 6, 2005 <br />Form Approved, AVP -Law — 3/10/05 Page 4 of 5 <br />