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17. To control both during and post construction storm water pollution, the Subdivider shall <br />comply with the regulations and provisions contained in the City's Grading Ordinance, the <br />City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permit, and the National Pollutant Discharge <br />Elimination System (NPDES), to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board. <br />18. The plans shall also include erosion control measures to prevent soil, dirt and debris from <br />entering the storm drain system, and San Leandro Creek in accordance with the practices <br />outlined in the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, California Storm Water <br />Best management practice Handbooks, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board's <br />Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual. <br />19. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions of the City's Grading Ordinance and the <br />Urban Runoff Clean Water Program. The City requires a grading permit any time more than <br />fifty (50) cubic yards of material is moved. The Ordinance requires that an erosion control <br />and sediment plan be prepared, submitted and approved by the City prior to issuance of the <br />Grading Permit. <br />20. The Urban Runoff Clean Water Program requires that all run-off be treated to remove <br />sediment and water borne pollutants prior to discharge into a public facility. If filtration type <br />catch basins are used, it is the responsibility of the Developer/Owner(s) to regularly inspect <br />and maintain the filtration systems. Such inspection and maintenance shall include replacing <br />the inlet filters a minimum of two times each calendar year. <br />21. The Developer is also responsible for ensuring that all contractors and subcontractors are <br />aware of and implement all stormwater quality measures. Failure to comply with the <br />approved construction BMPs shall result in the issuance of correction notices, citations <br />and/or a prof ect stop order. <br />22. Developer shall modify plans such that no building improvements encroach into the creek <br />setback zone. <br />23. The parking lot for the subject development shall be modified to meet the minimum aisle width <br />of 24 feet. <br />enneth Joseph, P.E., City Engineer <br />Engineering and Transportation Department <br />City of San Leandro <br />d O~ <br />Date <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />