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<br />i <br />LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />(Neptune Drive Access) <br />(Not to be P,ecorded) <br />THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT made and entered into this 6th day of <br />July 1981, by and between the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corpor- <br />ation organized and existing under the la~,~!s of the State of California, hereinafter <br />called CITY, and the EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT, a California Special District <br />organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, hereinafter called <br />DISTRICT, <br />IJTT~dCCCCTII. <br />THAT CITY, fora good and valuable consideration and in further consider- <br />an on of the faithful performance and observance by DISTRICT of all of the covenants <br />and agreements herein contained, does hereby give, subject, to all of the terms and <br />conditions hereof to DISTRICT, a license for the construction, reconstruction, main- <br />tenance and use of a right of way and access to OYSTER BAY REGIONAL SHORELINE, <br />together with the necessary appurtenances thereto, all hereinafter referred to as the <br />ACCESS, containing 20,000 square feet more orless, situated in the County of Alameda, <br />State of California, as shown on Exhibit "A" and described on Exhibit "B" attached <br />hereto and made a part hereof. <br />THE LICENSE above mentioned is grarlted by CITY and accepted by DISTRICT <br />upon the following terms and conditions and DISTRICT does hereby covenant with CITY <br />d5 f0~lOWS: <br />1. DISTRICT hereby acknowledges the title of CITY in and to the real <br />property above described and agrees never to assail or to resist said title. <br />2. In consideration of DISTRICT'S covenants herein, this License to con- <br />