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Single Limit Coverage applying to Bodily and Personal Injury Liability <br />and property Damage or a combination $1,000,000. <br />In order to effect the required coverage, the policy or policies must <br />contain the following additional endorsements: <br />a. Wherever the word "accident" appears in the policy or endorse- <br />ments it shall be changed to "occurrence"; <br />b. Definition of "bodily injuries" shall be expanded to include <br />mental injury and personal injury endorsement (including Inva- <br />sion of Rights of Privacy) shall be attached; <br />c. The policy must cover complete contractural liability; exclu- <br />sions of contractural liability as to bodily injuries, personal <br />injuries, and property damage must be eliminated from the basic <br />policy and endorsements; and <br />d. BROAD FORM, either domestic or Lloyd's form, property damage <br />liability must be afforded. <br />Copies of Policies. Certified copies of all public liability policies <br />shall be furnished to CITY. Thirty days' notice of any change or cancellation of <br />coverage shall be provided to CITY. The forms of all such insurance policies and <br />the insurance companies issuing such policies shall be subject to the approval of <br />CITY and its insurance advisors. <br />Failure of Covera e. Failure, inability, or refusal of DISTRICT to take <br />out and maintain during the entire term of this DISTRICT any or al] of the insurance <br />as aforesaid shall at the option of CITY constitute an immediate breach of this <br />license. The DISTRICT has the right and option to self-insure against public <br />liability claims in lieu of providing the public liability insurance specified in <br />this paragraph 7 by written notice to CITY that DISTRICT assumes the obligation <br />-4- <br />