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Reso 2004-015
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2004-015
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Last modified
8/12/2009 10:14:31 AM
Creation date
8/7/2009 11:06:17 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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EPA means United States Environmental Protection Agency. <br />EPA CERTIFIED WOOD HEATER means any wood heater that meets the standards <br />in Title 40, Part 60, Subpart AAA, Code of Federal Regulations in effect at the time of <br />installation and is certified and labeled pursuant to those regulations. <br />FIREBRICK is a refractory brick. <br />FIREPLACE is a hearth and fire chamber or similar prepared place in which a fire may <br />be made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney. In addition fireplace means <br />any permanently installed masonry or factory-built wood burning appliance, except a <br />pellet-fueled wood heater, designed to be used with anair-to-fuel ratio greater than or <br />equal to 35:1, <br />FACTORY-BUILT FIREPLACE is a listed assembly of a fire chamber, its chimney <br />and related factory-made parts designed for unit assembly without requiring field <br />construction. Factory-built fireplaces are not dependent on mortar-filed joints for <br />continued safe use. <br />GAS FIREPLACE means any device designed to burn natural gas or propane in a <br />manner that simulates the appearance of a wood burning fireplace. <br />HISTORIC BUILDING means those buildings designated. as historic resources in the <br />city of San Leandro General Plan, buildings on any other City adopted listing of historic <br />resources, buildings which have been identified after appropriate analysis as being <br />eligible for the State or National Register of Historic Places. <br />MASONRY FIREPLACE is a hearth and fire chamber of solid masonry units such as <br />bricks, stones, masonry units or reinforced concrete that is constructed on site and <br />provided with a suitable chimney. <br />MASONRY CHIMNEY is a chimney of masonry units, bricks, stones or listed <br />masonry chimney units lined with approved flue liners. For the purpose of this chapter, <br />masonry chimneys shall include reinforced concrete chimneys. <br />PELLET-FUELED WOOD HEATER means any wood burning appliance that <br />operates exclusively on wood pellets. <br />SOLID FUEL means wood or any other non-gaseous or non-liquid fuel. <br />TREATED WOOD means wood of any species that has been chemically impregnated, <br />painted or similarly modified to improve resistance to insects or weathering. <br />WASTE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS means any petroleum product other than <br />gaseous fuels that has been refined from crude oil, and has been used, and as a result of <br />use, has been contaminated with physical or chemical impurities. <br />
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