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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Phase 2, Stress Test with Facilities Planning at the WPCP <br />A. Evaluate the hydraulic capacity of the Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT). The hydraulic capacity <br />of the CCT was a concern raised by the WPCP staff at the final workshop of the capacity <br />analysis project that was conducted byKennedy/Jerks Consultants on June 4, 2003. Data for <br />analyzing the hydraulic capacity of the CCT was already obtained during the capacity <br />analysis (stress testing) project and will be used to calibrate the hydraulic model used to <br />evaluate the CCT. Chlorine contact time will not be evaluated as part of the CCT hydraulic <br />analysis. <br />B. Evaluate performance of Primary Sedimentation Basins. According to WPCP plant <br />personnel, the Primary Sedimentation Basins have reduced detention time and perform <br />differently from the two circular primary clarifiers (Clarifier #1 and Clarifier #2) with respect <br />to suspended solids removal. The performance of the primary sedimentation basins will be <br />evaluated based on investigation of record drawings, interviews with WPCP plant personnel, <br />and evaluation of primary sedimentation removal data, if available. <br />C. Investigate solids handling capabilities including: <br />Grit Removal: Currently there are no operable grit removal facilities at the WPCP. The <br />feasibility of using the existing sedimentation basin for grit removal will be evaluated <br />based on the ability of the sedimentation basins to provide adequate detention time for <br />grit removal, the ability to remove the grit effectively and conveniently from the <br />sedimentation basin, and the effect on primary clarification capacity. The ability to <br />remove grit effectively will be based on recommended design values. Physical tests on <br />the Sedimentation Basins will not be performed. <br />2. Sludge Thickening: The capacity of the existing sieve -drum unit will be evaluated based <br />on existing and projected solids processing data at the plant. The evaluation will <br />determine if another sludge-thickening unit is required. Mechanical reliability of the <br />existing sludge-thickener will also be used in the evaluation and will be based on <br />interviews with WPCP staff. <br />3. Sludge Digestion: The capacity of the existing sludge digestion system will be evaluated <br />based on existing and projected solids processing data at the plant. The evaluation will <br />consider detention time and volatile solids loading. Performance and mechanical <br />reliability of the existing digester mixing and heating equipment will also be considered <br />in the evaluation. <br />D. Identif~lignid stream and solid stream treatment system bottlenecks and the flow at which <br />these bottlenecks are limiting. Bottlenecks will be determined by analyzing flow and <br />strength data already gathered in the capacity analysis project performed by Kennedy/Jerks <br />Consulting Services Agreement between February 2, 2004 <br />City of San Leandro and Kennedy/Jerks Consultants Page 15 of 19 <br />