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BAAQMD FY2003 TFCA Funding Agreement <br />ATTACffiV1ENT B <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The TFCA funding application dated June 30, 2003, as supplemented by the letter from Reh-Lin Chen on <br />September 12, 2003, is incorporated herein by this reference. <br />1. Project Title: Traffic Calming -MacArthur Boulevard <br />2. Project Useful Life: 20 years <br />3. Project Description: Total TFCA Regional Funds Awarded shall be used by the City of San Leandro to <br />implement streetscaping improvements along MacArthur Boulevard in northwest San Leandro to reduce <br />the flow of motor vehicle traffic, support an increase in pedestrian and bicycle activity, and enhance safety <br />for all. TFCA funds will pay for 37.92% of Phase I costs of the San Leandro/MacArthurBnulevard <br />Project. Phase I will encompass MacArthur Boulevard from the Oakland border of Superior Avenue to the <br />I-580 off-ramp area. The specific Phase I improvements to be implemented with TFCA funds are: <br />• Street reconstruction, narrowing <br />• Bicycle routes installation <br />• Bulb-outs installation on sidewalks <br />• Pedestrian crossings improvements <br />• Pedestrian-oriented street lights installation <br />Future phases that are not a part of this project will be funded through additional Redevelopment Agency <br />funds and grants. Future phases will include the remainder of the project area southward along MacArthur <br />to Estudillo Avenue. <br />4. Project Schedule: <br />Milestone Date <br />Project start date October 1, 2003 <br />Design (plans and specifications) 70% submittal October 1, 2003 <br />First city and agency review period October 3, 2003 <br />Design 95% submittal November 7, 2003 <br />Second city and agency review period December 4, 2003 <br />Construction documents 100% submittal January 9, 2004 <br />Bids solicitation, evaluation, and selection February 28, 2004 <br />Construction start April 15, 2004 <br />Construction end September 1S, 2004 <br />Final report due date per Attachment C October 1, 2005 <br />5. Project Goal: The goal of this Project is to reduce on-road motor vehicle emissions by shifting trips from <br />motor vehicles to walking, bicycling, or public transit. The mode shift will be accomplished by providing <br />safe and comfortable pedestrian, bicycle, and transit access to the commercial areas of San Leandro along <br />MacArthur Avenue. <br />TFCA Regional Fund Project 03R10 Page 9 <br />