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EXHIBIT B <br />City of San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) Guidelines <br />1. The RACs may review and make recommendations on the following matters of Agency <br />business affecting the relevant project area: <br />• Redevelopment Plan amendments or other substantive changes in the <br />Redevelopment Plan. <br />• Preparation and adoption of the Five-Year Implementation Plan. <br />• Review of project design and redevelopment plan consistency for development <br />proposals that have Agency participation in the form of Owner Participation <br />Agreements, Disposition and Development Agreements, and/or similar <br />redevelopment agreements. <br />• Proposed Redevelopment Agency sponsored programs referred to the RAC. <br />• Other matters upon referral by the Agency or City Manager. <br />2. The protocol for recommendations by the RAC to the Redevelopment Agency shall be <br />through the meeting summaries prepared by staff and distributed to the Agency, and in <br />the staff reports about projects prepared for the Agency. <br />3. As determined by staff, other matters maybe presented to the RAC on a courtesy basis as <br />informational items rather than business items. These may include significant <br />development projects that are private in nature and do not involve the Agency, capital <br />improvement projects, and planning initiatives. <br />4. The RAC agenda shall be prepared by staff as directed by the Agency or the City <br />Manager. Staff will review the agenda with the RAC chair. <br />5. The RAC will set a regular time and day as its meeting time every other month. On <br />occasion, to facilitate the business of the Agency, staff may schedule a special meeting <br />date_ A meeting will not be scheduled unless there are business items. <br />6. RAC meetings must comply with the City's standard rules of order for public meetings <br />and staff and/or the chair may adjourn a meeting in progress if, in their judgment, those <br />rules are not being followed. <br />7. RAC membership is determined by separately-established policies set by the Agency and <br />nothing in these guidelines is intended to alter the membership policies for each RAC. <br />