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Reso 2004-049
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2004-049
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8/12/2009 11:46:37 AM
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8/7/2009 2:15:59 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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the City Engineer. Public utility easements (PUEs), five (5) feet wide, shall be <br />located behind and parallel with the private street rights-of--way. Additional <br />PUEs, three (3) feet wide, for an aggregate of six (6) feet, shall be located on each <br />side property line of each lot from the back of the sidewalk to the front yard <br />setback, or twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater. The subdivider shall dedicate <br />public utility and emergency access easements on the Final Map, as directed by the <br />City Engineer. <br />4. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the subdivider shall submit for approval by the <br />City Engineer an overall site master plan for infrastructure and detailed site <br />infrastructure plans required for the Final Map. <br />S. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the subdivider shall submit for approval by the <br />City Engineer, an estimate of the cost of all work and improvements to be <br />performed, both within the public rights-ot=way and the project boundaries. <br />6. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the subdivider shall provide the City <br />Engineer with an updated Preliminary Title Report, prepared within three months <br />prior to the submittal of the Final Map to the City Engineer for review, for all lands <br />contained within the boundary of the Final Map. <br />7. All typical street fixtures, including but not limited to fire hydrants, electroliers, <br />signs, and utility boxes, shall be located within the PUE behind the private <br />sidewalks. Where not feasible to place below grade due to water table or other site <br />specific reasons, appurtenant equipment for underground utilities shall be placed in <br />areas screened by landscaping and appropriate area for PUE. <br />8. The Fire Department shall approve in writing, the parking plan and plan for <br />marking red curbs establishing no parking area throughout the development. <br />9. During construction, the Fire Department requires access to the project site and <br />open space for possible response to fire and medical emergencies. Prior to <br />grading permit approval, a plan for emergency access shall be submitted to the <br />Fire Department for review and approval. <br />10. All certifications and approvals as required by the Floodplain Administrator in <br />accordance with Ordinance No. 99-07 and state and federal regulations shall be in <br />place prior to the approval of Building Permits for the development. <br />11. Prior to issuance of building permits for the project, the subdivider shall obtain City <br />Council approval of the Tentative and Final Subdivision Maps, and enter into a <br />Subdivision Improvement Agreement and other agreements as required by the City <br />Engineer. <br />12. Monument setting guarantees shall be provided for each Final Map as directed by <br />the City Engineer. <br />City Engineer's Report Page 2 of 7 Tract Map 7413 <br />
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