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EXHIBIT Q <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />A. Provide full-time modified discretionary management of the portion of the investment <br />por~olio under management (weekly consultation with City for direction on account <br />management). All securities and funds under management of the Adviser shall be held in <br />the name of the City, and shall be held by the City's Safekeeping Agent. <br />B. Develop and implement investment strategies that will enhance portfolio performance <br />under current and future market conditions within the parameters of the City's Investment <br />Policy, California State law and cash flow needs. <br />C. Provide technical and fundamental market research including yield curve analysis. <br />D. Obtain and document competitive pricing for security transactions. <br />E. Manage and document trade settlements. <br />F. Assist City staff in reviewing and updating at least annually the City's Investment Policy <br />and Cash Flow Forecast <br />G. Perform due diligence reviews of all current and proposed broker/dealers. <br />H. Monitor the creditworthiness of the City's depository and custodian bank and the <br />investments in the portfolio. <br />I. Work with the City in developing and maintaining a cash flow forecasting system to <br />determine investment requirements. <br />J. Provide monthly investment reports for the portfolio detailing securities holdings, daily <br />activity reconciliation, portfolio composition and sector analyses, portfolio return and <br />weighted average maturities. Reports should consolidate funds under control of Adviser <br />and funds held by City in tAIF or similar authorized investment pools. <br />K. Provide separate semi-annual and annual portfolio performance reports. <br />L. Provide electronic access to portrolio information including up-to-date market pricing. <br />M. Provide training to staff on cash, treasury and investment management subjects. <br />N. Meet with City investment and management staff at least quarterly, and as required with <br />City Council Finance Committee. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between <br />City of San Leandro and Chandler Asset Management, Inc. <br />Hpni o, ~uuv~ <br />Pag~ <br />