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APNs 77A-649-002-2 AND 77A-649-017-2 <br />FEE ACOUISPTION <br />All that certain real property situate in the city of San Leandro, county of <br />Alameda, state of California, described as follows: <br />Being a portion of that certain parcel of land described in the deed to Dewey and <br />Aimy Chemical Company recorded January 13, 1954 in book 7224 at page 552, <br />Alameda County records, and a portion of that certain parcel of land described in <br />the grant deed to Dewey and Almy Chemical Company recorded September 9, <br />1949 in book 4996 at page 36, Alameda County records, more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the easterly corner of said parcel described in the deed recorded <br />January 13, 1954 in book 7224 at page 552, said corner being a point in the <br />northwesterly right of way line of Davis Street, said corner being also the easterly <br />most corner of that certain parcel of land described as parce! 1 in the grant deed <br />to the state of California recorded April 20, 1978 on reel 5354 at image 757, <br />Alameda County records; <br />Thence along said northwesterly fine of Davis Street as said line is described in <br />said deed to the state of California, South 75°29'02" West, 33.592 meters <br />(110.21 feet) to a point in the southerly line of said parcel described in the deed <br />recorded January 13 1954 in book 7224 at page 552; <br />Thence continuing along the northerly line of Davis Street, along said southerly <br />line of last said parcel, westerly along the arc of a 48.765-meter (159.99-foot) <br />radius, non-tangent curve to the right, the center of which curve bears North <br />0°00'25" East, through a central angle of 16°11'38", an arc distance of 13.783 <br />meters (45.22 feet); <br />Thence leaving said northerly right of way line, North 16°12'03" East, 0.305 <br />meters (1.00 foot); <br />Thence concentric to said northerly right of way line of Davis Street, easterly <br />along the arc of a 48.460-meter (158.99-foot) radius, non-tangent curve to the <br />left, the center of which curve bears North 16°12'03" East, through a central <br />angle of 5°06'23", an arc distance of 4.319 meters (14.17 feet); <br />Thence North 74°36'57" East, 4.649 meters (15.25 feet}; <br />Thence South 15°23'03" East, 0.830 meters (2.72 feet); <br />Thence North 74°36'57" East, 37.452 meters (122.87 feet}; <br />Z12002\A02632\DOC5~A02632 grace.DOC ~ Of ~ <br />