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from time to time, the JPA Law), the Members hereby create a separate joint powers agency <br />which is named ABAG POWER. <br />2. Parties to Agreement. Eaeh Member certifies that it intends to, and does, contract with <br />every other Member which is a signatory to this Agreement and, in addition, with such other <br />Member as may later be added as Members under Section 16. Each Member also certifies that <br />the deletion of any Member from this Agreement does not affect this Agreement nor each <br />remaining Member's intent to contract with the other Members then remaining. <br />3. Purpose. ABAG POWER will acquire, for use by its Members, energy including, but not <br />limited to, natural gas and electricity, and of telecommunications services, and such other <br />services and goods as may be necessary or convenient to optimize costs savings and to <br />manage the use or the supply of energy or telecommunications services. <br />4. Membership. The following entities, or types of entities, are eligible for membership in <br />ABAG POWER: <br />(a) ABAG, <br />(b) members of ABAG, and <br />(c) any other public entity so long as such public entity is a cooperating member of <br />ABAG at the time it joins ABAG POWER. <br />~. Limitation. Except as otherwise authorized or permitted by the JPA Law and for <br />purposes of, and to the extent required by Government Code Section 6509, ABAG POWER is <br />subject to the restrictions upon the manner of exercising the powers of the Member specified <br />in the Bylaws. <br />6. Powers. ABAG POWER is authorized, in its own name, to do all acts necessary to fulfill <br />the purposes of this Agreement referred to in Section 3 including, but not limited to, each of <br />the following: <br />(a) Make and enter into contracts; <br />(b) Incur debts, liabilities and obligations; provided that no debt, liability or <br />obligation of ABAG POWER is a debt, liability or obligation of any Member except <br />as separately agreed to by a Member agreeing to be so obligated; <br />(c) Acquire, hold, construct, manage, maintain, sell or otherwise dispose of real and <br />personal property by appropriate means, excepting only eminent domain; <br />(d) Receive contributions and donations of property, funds, services and other forms <br />of assistance from any source; <br />(e) Sue and be sued in its own name; <br />(f) Employ agents and employees; <br />(g) Lease real or personal property as lessee and as lessor; <br />(h) Receive, collect, invest and disburse moneys; <br />(i) Issue revenue bonds or other forms of indebtedness, as provided by law; <br />(j) Carry out other duties as required to accomplish other responsibilities as set <br />forth in this Agreement; <br />(k) Assign, delegate or contract with a Member or third party to perform any of the <br />duties of the Board, including, but not limited to, acting as administrator for <br />ABAG POWER; and <br />(I) Exercise all other powers necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this <br />Agreement. <br />Wind Up Agreement -Attachment AAttachment A <br />