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Agmt 2004 ABAG Power
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2004 ABAG Power
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Reso 2004-083
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18. ExpulsionlSuspension ABAG POWER may expel or suspend a Member by atwo-thirds <br />(2/3) vote of the Board for a breach of this Agreement or the Bylaws determined by the Board <br />to be a material breach. The procedures for hearing and notice of expulsion of a Member are <br />provided in the Bylaws. <br />19. Termination and Distribution. <br />(a) This Agreement continues until terminated. However, it cannot be terminated <br />until such time as all principal of and interest on bonds and other forms of <br />indebtedness issued by ABAG POWER are paid in full. Thereafter, this <br />Agreement may be terminated by the written consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the <br />Members; provided, however, that this Agreement and ABAG POWER continue to <br />exist after termination for the purpose of disposing of all claims, distribution or <br />assets and all .other functions necessary to conclude the obligations and affairs of <br />ABAG POWER. <br />(b) After completion of ABAG POWER's purposes, any surplus money on deposit in <br />any fund or account of ABAG POWER will be returned as required by law. The <br />Board is vested with all powers of ABAG POWER for the purpose of concluding <br />and dissolving the business affairs of ABAG POWER. <br />20. Notices. Notice to each Member under this Agreement is sufficient if mailed to the <br />Member and separately to the Member's Director to their respective addresses on file with <br />ABAG POWER. <br />21. Prohibition Against Assignment. No Member may assign a right, claim, or. interest it <br />may have under this Agreement. No creditor, assignee or third party beneficiary of a Member <br />has a right, claim or title to any part, share, interest, fund or asset of ABAG POWER. However, <br />nothing in this section prevents ABAG POWER from assigning any interest or right it may have <br />under this Agreement to a third party. <br />22. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended by an affirmative vote of the <br />governing bodies of [three-fourths (3/4)] of the Members acting through their governing <br />bodies. A proposed amendment must be submitted to each Member at least thirty (30) days <br />in advance of the date when the Member considers it. An amendment is to be effective <br />immediately unless otherwise designated. Appendix A to the Agreement may be amended to <br />correctly list current Members without separate action by the Members or the Board. <br />23. Severability. If a portion, term, condition or provision of this Agreement is determined <br />by a court to be illegal or in conflict with a law of the State of California, or is otherwise <br />rendered unenforceable or ineffectual, the validity of the remaining portions, terms, conditions <br />and provisions is not affected. <br />24. Liability of ABAG POWER. Subject to limitations thereon contained in any trust <br />agreement or other documents pursuant to which financing of ABAG POWER are implemented, <br />funds of ABAG POWER may be used to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ABAG POWER, <br />any Member, any Director or alternate, and any employee or officer of ABAG POWER for their <br />actions taken within the scope of their duties while acting on behalf of ABAG POWER. <br />25. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with <br />the laws of the State of California. <br />26. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which <br />is an original and all of which constitutes but one and the same instrument. <br />Wind Up Agreement -Attachment AAttachment A <br />
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