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(b) provide ABAG with such information as may be required by the Direct Access <br />Service Request (DASR), <br />(c) conform this Agreement to all requirements imposed by the CPUC for written <br />contracts between direct access customers and ESP's, <br />(d) install meters capable of providing hourly data and required data <br />communications capabilities (Hourly Meters) for each Account, <br />(e) pay, or caused to be paid, all stranded costs associated with the Utility meter <br />replaced under section (d) of this paragraph, and <br />(f) pay, or cause to be paid all outstanding balances for all Accounts. <br />Under current CPUC proceedings, metering requirements may be met by a customer (a) <br />requesting the Utility Distribution Company (UDC) to install Hourly Meters, (b) installing <br />Hourly Meters, or (c) causing Hourly-Meters to be installed by third parties (including the <br />ESP). ABAG anticipates issuing a Request for Proposals to install Hourly Meters for all, or <br />some of the accounts previously identified to ABAG as accounts which potential participants <br />in the Electric Program wished to aggregate. The choice of how Public Agency will fulfill the <br />metering requirement and whether all Participants must make the same election for their <br />respective Accounts will be mutually decided by ABAG and Public Agency at a later date <br />based on (1) the probability of installing Hourly Meters for all Accounts by January 1, 1998, <br />or the earliest possible date thereafter, (2) any additional costs incurred to install Hourly <br />Meters by such date, and (3) supply of Hourly Meters. <br />5. CPUC Conditions Precedent to ABAG's Obli ations: ABAG will take such action as <br />may be necessary to meet all conditions imposed on ABAG to participate in direct access as <br />an ESP, including but not limited to: <br />(a) register with the CPUC, <br />(b) submit a DASR for each account, <br />(c) enter into a Basic ESP Service Agreement with the UDC, <br />(d) enter into the appropriate Billing Services Attachment to the Basic ESP <br />Agreement, <br />(e) enter into the appropriate Metering Services Attachment to the Basic ESP <br />Agreement, <br />(f) conform this Agreement to all requirements imposed by the CPUC for written <br />contracts between direct access customers and ESP's, and <br />(g) comply with ESP Credit Requirements. <br />The CPUC has not established ESP Credit Requirements. ABAG anticipates meeting ESP <br />Credit Requirements through the establishment of the Credit Reserve fund described in <br />Paragraph 19. <br />6. Electric Supply: Public Agency submitted to ABAG an expression of interest in <br />participating- in-the Electric Program by authorizing Utility to release specified historical <br />electric usage information to ABAG. After ABAG issued a Request for Proposals to provide <br />electric supply, it has entered into Memoranda of Understanding for the provision of electric <br />supply (MOU) with two (2) electric suppliers and anticipates an MOU with a third supplier. <br />ABAG anticipates soliciting proposals for additional electric supply in Fall/Winter 1997. <br />Public Agency acknowledges that in order to meet Public Agency's electric needs ABAG will <br />enter into contracts for specified electric supply products (Contracted Supply) on behalf of <br />Public Agency and will authorize purchases of electric supply on the spot market (Spot <br />Supply) and sales of excess Contracted Supply on the spot market or to the supplier. <br />Wind Up Agreement -Attachment AAttachment A <br />