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23. Cancellation: <br />23.1 Cancellation by Public Agency: Commencing no earlier than one (1) full year <br />from the Commencement Date, Public Agency may only withdraw or cancel this Agreement <br />consistent with the rules and regulations promulgated by the CPUC and in a manner which <br />releases ABAG from all responsibility and liability related to the subject matter of the <br />Agreement. Public Agency may cancel the contract by giving ABAG sixty (60) days prior <br />written notice its intent to terminate effective December 31 of that current year.. <br />23.2 Cancellation by ABAG: Actions by the utilities andJor CPUC to develop rules <br />which are in conflict with sound business practices, or impose unnecessary risk on either <br />party to this Agreement, or substantially prevent ABAG from performing its functions under <br />this Agreement may result in the cancellation of this Agreement by ABAG. ABAG will give <br />Public Agency written notice ninety (90) days prior to such cancellation and both parties will <br />work diligently to minimize the negative effects on ABAG and the Public Agency of such <br />cancellation. <br />24. Power Purchasing Pool Committee: (Public Agency <br />Representative), will be the Public Agency's representative to the Electric Program <br />Committee of the Board of Directors of ABAG POWER. The electric Program Committee will <br />provide policy direction for the Electric Program. The Committee's powers will include <br />admission of new Participants and the extension of any contracts for the purchase of electric <br />supply and/or related services under rules and procedures adopted by the Committee. <br />25. Approvals: The Public Agency Representative may grant any approval, or give any <br />direction required by this Agreement, in writing or orally. Written approvals or directions <br />may be transmitted physically, by facsimile or electronically. Oral approvals will be <br />confirmed in writing by either party. <br />26. Attorneys' Fees: In the event either party invokes its right to arbitration under <br />Section H of Exhibit B due to an alleged breach of this Agreement, the prevailing party will <br />be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs as determined by the arbitrator. <br />27. Ownershi of Files Re orts Photo ra hs and Related Documents: Upon <br />termination of the Agreement, any and all files, reports, photographs, plans, specifications, <br />drawings, data, maps, models and related documents respecting in any way the subject <br />matter of this Agreement, whether prepared by ABAG, the Public Agency or third parties <br />and in whatever media they are stored will remain or will become the property of the Public <br />Agency and the Public Agency will acquire title to, and copyright ownership of, all such <br />documents. The Public Agency hereby grants to ABAG an irrevocable license to retain a <br />copy of all records covered by this section for ABAG's files. <br />28. Indemnity: Public Agency will indemnify and hold harmless ABAG and its directors, <br />its member agencies, its agents and its employees from and against all claims, damages, <br />losses and expenses including attorney's fees, arising out of or resulting from the <br />performance or non-performance of the services required by this Agreement, unless such is <br />caused by fraud, gross negligence or intentional misconduct of ABAG, its directors, its <br />member agencies, its agents or its employees. <br />29. Assignment/Security Arrangements: Public Agency hereby acknowledges that ABAG <br />will assign all its rights and obligations under this Agreement, except the rights of ABAG and <br />its directors, its member agencies, its agents and its employees to indemnity under <br />7 <br />Wind Up Agreement -Attachment AAttachment A <br />