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"E~~-~II3IT A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~'~~ 12 <br />"Temporary Construction Easement" <br />All t}1at real property s~tvate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as fo11o~~-s: <br />A portion of Parcel One as described in that certain "Grant Deed" to CASE <br />EQUIPMENT CORPORATION fled; June 28, ] Q94 in Document Number 94-231293, <br />Alameda County Records, further described as follovrs: <br />Parcel One <br />Commencing at the most ~~.~esterly comer of abo~~e said Parcel One; thence along the <br />southwesterly line of said Parcel One (a bearing taken for the purpose of this description) <br />South 26°40'39" East, 5.00 feet; thence running parallel and perpendicular 5.00 feet ~n~ith <br />the northwesterly line of said Parcel One North 63°19'21" East, 254.61 feet to the True <br />Point of Beginning for this description; thence North 63° 19'2 ] " Easi, 7.80 fee( to the <br />beginning of a tangent cun~e concave southerl~~, having a radius of 80.00 feet, a radial <br />line to said curve bears North 2b°40'39" West; thence easterly along said curve through a <br />central angle of 19°56' ] l ", an arc length of ?%_84 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature <br />concave northerly, having a radius of 98.00 feet, a radial line to said curve bears South <br />06°44'28" East; thence easterly along said cun~e through a central angle of ] 9°56' 1 I ", <br />an arc length of 34.10 feet; thence North 63°] 9'2]"East, 333.79 feel to the beginning of <br />a tangent curve concave southeasterly, having a radius of 32,00 feet, a radial bearing to <br />said curve bears North 26°40'39" West; the~,ce easterly along said cun~e tlu-out~h a <br />central angie of 02°26'44", an arc length of ] . 37 feet to a Point of Curvature lying on a <br />non-tangent cui,~e concave southwesterly, hav:ne a radius of 30.00 feet, a radial bearing <br />to said Point of Curvature bears North 23° 1 C'20" East; thence southeasterly along said <br />curve through a central angle of 12°31'24", 2n arc length of b.S6 feet to a Pont of Cusp <br />with anon-tangent cure concave southeasterl~~, having a radius of27.00 feet, a radial <br />line to said Point of Cusp bears North ] 5°59'43" ~'`~est; thence southwesterl}, along said <br />curve through a central angle of l 0°40'56"; an arc length of 5.03 feet; thence South <br />63°19'21 "West, 333.79 feel to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northerly, <br />having a radius of 103.00 feet; thence- westerl}' along said cun~e through a central ancel <br />of ] 9°56' ] ] ", an arc length of 35.84 feet to a Point of Reverse C~irv~ature concave <br />southerly, having a radius of 75.00 feet, a radial line to said Reverse Curvature bears <br />North 06°44'28" West; thence westerly along said curve through a central ankle of <br />1 9°56' 1 1 ", an arc length of 26.10 feet; thence South 63 ° 19'21 "West, 7.80 feet; thence <br />Noy ~h 2b°40'39" West, 5.00 feet to the Point of Beg~ru~~ng. <br />Containing an area of 2,034.02 Sq. Ft_, (0.05 Acres), more or ]ess_ ~`~ ~~h'~•,'~~ ~~ <br />Attached hereto is a plat labeled "Exhibit "B'~, hereby referred to and made p~a*f4~ereof. ~~~~~ ~~ <br />P `Pi o~c cis~'OGi~D!977~Chvi,cs Lcgal dcsc',Casr TC~ Joc <br />rvo.-1s 6o2s <br />~Xp. ~~ ~-~ ~~ <br />~ %-~~ `, r <br />/ , <br />