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"E~H1BiT A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION 11 <br />Al] that real propert}~ situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />A portion of Parcel One as described in that certain "Gran( Deed" to CASE <br />EQUIPMENT CORPORATION filed, June 28, 1994 in Document Number 94-237293, <br />Alameda County Records, further described as ;ollou~s: <br />Fee Acquisition Properh~ <br />Commencing at the most wester)}~ comer of ahove said Parcel One; thence along the <br />southwesterly line of said Parcel One South 26°40'39" Easi, 5,00 feet, (a bearing taken <br />for the purpose of this description); thence leaving said southwesterly line of said Parcel <br />One, North 63°19'21"East; 262.41 feet to the True Poir,t of Beginning; thence from said <br />Point of Beginning North 63°19'~ ] "East, ; %'~ 88 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve <br />concave southerly ha~~ing a radius of 30.00 feet, a radial line to said cun~e bears North <br />26°40'39" West; thence northeaster)}~, easterly and southeasterly along said curve <br />through a central angle of 49°56'59", an arc length of 26. ] 5 feet; to a point of cusp ~~ith <br />a curve concave southeasterly having a radius of 32.00 feet a radial line to said curve <br />bears North 24°13'~S" ~~'est; thence southwesterly along said curve through a central <br />angle of 2°26'44", an arc length of 1.37 feet; thence South 63°l9'2l "West, 333.79 feet <br />to the beginning of a cun~e concave northerly, having a radius of 98.00 feet, a radial line <br />to said curve bears South 26°40'39" East; thence westerly along said curve (hrough a <br />central angle of 19°56' 1 ] ", an arc length of 34. ] 0 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature, <br />having a radius of 80.00 feet, a radial line to paid cun~e bears South 06°44'28" East; <br />thence southwesterly along said curve t}u~ough a central angle of 19°56' l 1 ", an arc length <br />of 27.84 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Containing an area of 3,83 Sq. Ft , (0.09 Acres), more or less, <br />A~tached hereto is a plat labeled "Exhibit "B", hereby referred to and made a part here-of. <br />~.~ <br />J ~-_ ~ '~ <br />P \Fro~eus'~'s001101 D9T~Charl~es Legal desc`,Case doc ~ <br />r~~o l_ s ss~ ~ <br />~~ EX-~ ,~ ~,= ~~.- <br />__ ~__~ <br />~; <br />