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~ _~ SnPCific Definitions of the Disfrict Improvements <br />The following definitions shall be applied in their broadest sense when interpreting the foregoing <br />items. A. through H., and for using the assessments collected via the Heron Bay Maintenance <br />Assessment District: <br />a) Shoreline Trail -That trail, constructed on top of various levees, extending from the southerly <br />terminus of the bridge over Estudillo Canal to the northerly terminus of the bridge over San <br />Lorenzo Creek, including all surface pavements, base rock, signage, striping, and the <br />Interpretive Center and Garden. <br />b) Buffer Zone - A strip of land 50 feet wide adjacent with and along the westerly boundary of <br />Phase 1 B, and a strip of land 100 feet wide adjacent with and along the northerly and westerly <br />boundaries of Phases 2B and 3, including all habitat fencing, landscaping, and irrigation within <br />these strips of land, inclusive of the passive park along a portion of the northerly boundary of <br />Phase 2B and any storm drainage collection systems installed within the Buffer Zone. <br />c) Tidal Marsh Lands -Those lands known as North Marsh, Bunker Marsh, East Marsh, and <br />Citation Marsh, including Roberts Landing Slough from the San Lorenzo Creek Delta to <br />Estudillo Canal, all perimeter and interior levees, channels, mounds, and uplands, and further <br />including all tidal control structures, weirs, culverts, gates, fences, debris screens, bridges, <br />and all appurtenant features and facilities. <br />d) Storm Water Lift Station and Detention Pond (SWLS&DP) in Phase 1A and Storm Water <br />Treatment Pond in Phase 1 B -All landscaping, drainage facilities, structures, fences, walls, <br />gates, access roads, and pathways within the boundaries of the land upon which these <br />facilities are situated, exclusive of the landscaped area, soundwall, and decorative fencing <br />fronting Anchorage Drive near the SWLS3~DP, and further exclusive of the landscaped area <br />fronting the street near the Storm Water Treatment Pond. <br />e) soundwalls -Those soundwalls, including any gates in the soundwalls, located within the <br />public right-of-way of Lewelling Boulevard, westerly of Wicks Boulevard and easterly of the <br />Southern Pacific railroad tracks, exclusive of that portion of the soundwall located on the <br />property of the Sandev Mobile Home Park that form a transformer enclosure, and further <br />exclusive of those soundwalls north and/or south of the Lewelling Boulevard public right-of- <br />way. <br />2-3 <br />