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Reso 2004-104
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2004-104
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8/12/2009 12:48:48 PM
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8/10/2009 2:26:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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4. First Public Notice: Presentation of the proposed plan requires advance notices to the <br />public. The publication notice should follow steps in Section 3.0 of this Plan. Notices of <br />the public hearing shall be sent to all persons on the CDBG mailing list and attending <br />the community meetings. <br />5. First Public Hearing: A public hearing will be held at a Council meeting on a date <br />announced in the public notice, outlined in Section 3.0. Please refer to Section 5.0 for <br />public hearing procedures. The City Council will approve the proposed Consolidated <br />Plan and direct staff to solicit public comments for at least 30 days and set the next <br />hearing date. <br />6. Second Public Notice: A summary of the proposed Consolidated Plan shall be <br />published to solicit comments over at least a 30-day period. The publication should <br />clearly state the start and end date of the comment period. The publication shall include <br />a list of locations, as listed in the Section 4.0, where copies of the Plan will be available <br />to the public. The notice will include information about the date, time and location of the <br />final public hearing. The notice shall include a brief summary of a description of the <br />contents and purpose of the Plan including a list of the goals, objectives, and activities <br />that will be undertaken over the next five years. The objectives and activities need to be <br />measurable for each year, so that the City can annually compare the outcomes against <br />the proposed outcomes in the Plan. The estimated amount of assistance that the City <br />expects to receive and the amount that will be used to undertake activities that will <br />benefit persons of low and moderate income must also be included in the publication. <br />Free copies of the Plan will be made available to the public upon request. Copies will <br />also be made available in a format accessible to persons with disabilities, upon request. <br />7. Final Public Hearing: The final public hearing will be held at a scheduled Council <br />meeting. All comments submitted by the public, either in writing or orally at public <br />hearings and during the comment period, shall be taken into consideration. A summary <br />of the comments or views accepted and those not accepted, and reasons for not <br />accepting them, shall be attached to the final Consolidated Plan. The Council will adopt <br />the final Plan with any amendments and submit the Plan to HUD at the San Francisco <br />Office. <br />6.2 The Annual Action Plans ("Action Plans") <br />6.2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: The Annual Action Plans will implement the objectives, <br />goals and strategies formulated in the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. The Annual Action <br />Plans shall outline the amount and source of funding available, the activities for each <br />objective, and the measurable targeted goal for each of these activities for the year. <br />6.2.2 THE PROCESS: <br />1. In late fall of every year, the San Leandro Housing Services Division will prepare a <br />calendar containing a schedule for the preparation of the Annual Action Plan for that <br />year. The schedule shall contain tentative dates for the preparation of the Action Plan, <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />
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