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PURPOSE <br />The annual performance and evaluation report summarizes the progress made in <br />carrying out specific objectives and priorities identified in the 2000-2005 Consolidated <br />Plan. This report is for the 2003-2004 Consolidated Action Plan. The report includes a <br />narrative description of accomplishments with an evaluation of overall progress toward <br />accomplishing long-term goals. Financial and specific project reports are also provided <br />through the Integrated Disbursement and Information Systems (IDIS). <br />1. NARRATIVE STATEMENT <br />General Narrative A. Progress in meeting Five-Year Goals and Objectives. <br />Provide Decent Housing <br />Housing Needs Objectives: <br />The housing objectives of the 2000-2005 Consolidated Plan strategy and the Annual <br />Action Plan address the underserved housing needs of families in San Leandro. The <br />goal of the objectives is to provide programs that foster and maintain affordable <br />housing. The annual goals with the results are listed below. Exhibit A provides a <br />comparison with the five year goals and objectives. <br />1. Increase the availability of affordable rental housing for low income families. <br />• The City supported the Alameda County Housing Authority's applications for <br />additional Section 8 rental assistance vouchers that could be used for San <br />Leandro residents. ACHA provided rental assistance to 1135 families within <br />San Leandro in 2004, showing an increase of 88 over 2003. <br />• City Council adopted a housing strategy that outlines a financial targeting plan <br />for the next three years to create 194 new units of multi-family rental housing. <br />• The new ABHOW senior housing project (Broadmoor Plaza) has been <br />completed and will house 60 low income seniors. <br />• Citizens Housing Inc. utilized tax credits to rehabilitate the Surf Apartments, a <br />46 unit project of which 35 units have rents maintained at 30% of 50% or 60% <br />of the median family income. Rehabilitation of the community room, the <br />exterior and landscaping work has been completed. <br />• The Multifamily Management Assistance Program (MMAP) provided training <br />to 51 owners and managers, seven of them from San Leandro. <br />• The City is working with several non-profit housing developers on potential <br />workforce housing proposals. <br />3 <br />