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WHEREAS, such hearing has been duly and regularly held and all interested persons <br />have been give the opportunity to be heard, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />That this Council hereby determines that such removal will avoid an unusually heavy <br />concentration of overhead distribution facilities, that the streets in the hereinafter described areas <br />are extensively used by the general public and carry a heavy volume of pedestrian and vehicular <br />traffic; and it is <br />FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of San Leandro authorizes the <br />City Manager or his designee to direct PG&E and Pacific Bell Telephone Company dba SBC- <br />California (SBC), to provide a substantial portion of installation of service laterals and electric <br />service panels on affected properties within the underground district to be paid for with PG&E <br />Rule 20A and SBC Rule 32A; and it is <br />FURTHER RESOLVED that PG&E or the entity that undertakes the underground work <br />of its electric facilities, shall use the underground conversion allocation computed pursuant to the <br />decision of the CPUC for the purpose of providing to those premises designated by the City <br />within the utility underground district, a maximum of one hundred feet of individual electric <br />service trenching and conductor, as well as backfill, conduits, and surface restoration and electric <br />service panel ($1,500 maximum credit per panel) if, and when required; and it is <br />FURTHER RESOLVED that SBC, or the entity that undertakes the underground work of <br />its telephone facilities, shall fund, pursuant to the decision of the CPUC, for the purpose of <br />providing those premises designated by the City within the utility underground district a <br />maximum of one hundred feet of individual telephone service trenching and conductor, as well <br />RESOLUTION N0.2004-167 2 <br />