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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />A-1 PROJECT PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION <br />The general purpose of the Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Replacements project is to rehabilitate and/or <br />replace sanitary sewer mains (SSM) and manholes (SSMH) in seven (7) areas of the City's <br />Sanitary Sewer System which were previously identified as requiring rehabilitation and/or <br />replacement. The seven project areas are: <br />Pro'ect Area General Re air Descri tion <br />Manna Blvd. Replace X710 LF of existing 12-inch SSM with 15-inch SSM. <br />(Nome St. to Doolittle Dr.) <br />Dutton Ave.Beverly AVe. Replace existing 10-inch SSM with 12-inch SSM on Dutton Ave. <br />(Woodland Ave. to Broadmoor Blvd.) (Woodland Ave. to Beverly Ave.); Install new 12-inch SSM on Beverly <br /> Ave. (Dutton Ave. to Dowling Blvd.); Evaluate existing 10-inch SSM in <br /> backyard easement between Beverly Ave. to Breed Ave., rehab/replace if <br /> needed. <br />Bancroft Ave. Easement Replace =740 LF of existing 6-inch SSM with 8-inch SSM. <br />(North of Broadmoor Blvd.) <br />Grand AVe. Evaluate existing parallel SSM, abandon one line if possible, rehab/replace <br />(Joa uin Ave. to S bil Ave.) as necessary. <br />Alvarado St. Various SSM replacements as identified by CCTV inspections and <br />(Monta ue Ave. to Marina Blvd.) maintenance records. <br />View Dr. Easement Line or replace =885 LF of 8-inch SSM damaged by severe root intrusion; <br /> Re lace 10 LF of laterals to minimize future root intrusion. <br />C1eVeland St. Easement Line or replace =425 LF of 6-inch SSM damaged by severe root intrusion; <br /> Re lace 10 LF of laterals to minimize root future intrusion. <br />The intent of this agreement is for the Consultant to provide civil engineering design and <br />consulting services for the subject project. The scope of work under this agreement will <br />generally consist of, but not be limited to, attendance at project meetings; topographic surveys of <br />the project areas; submittal of monthly progress reports; and preparation of plans, specifications <br />and cost estimates. <br />A-2 DESCRIPTION OF CONSULTANT SERVICES <br />A-2.1 Topographic Surveys -Consultant will perform topographic surveys in all seven <br />areas in accordance with the following: <br />• Vertical control will be based on City benchmarks to be provided. It is <br />assumed that benchmarks are on average less than one-half mile away from <br />each project site. <br />Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Replacements 04-OS October 19, 2004 <br />OS-593-52-211 Page 15 of 22 <br />