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STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />I, BRADLEY J. CLARK, Registrar of Voters for the County of Alameda, State of California, having <br />canvassed the returns of all votes cast in the City of San Leandro at the Municipal Election held on <br />Tuesday, November 2, 2004 do hereby certify the following to be a full, true and correct Statement of the <br />Results of all votes cast on the following measure: <br />Measure DD: Shall the current level of police and fire protection services <br />be maintained at a minimum of 94 sworn police officers and a minimum <br />of 7 fire companies by adoption of an ordinance imposing a parcel tax in <br />an annual amount of $78 for single-family residences, $46.80 per multi- <br />family unit and $16 per thousand square feet for industrial and <br />commercial properties, such parcel tax to end after five and one-half <br />Yes 13392 No 13095 <br />Measure EE: Shall the City of San Leandro Charter be amended to <br />provide for a fixed four-year term of office for Council Members and <br />the Mayor commencing on January 1 following the election? <br />Yes 15446 No 9760 <br />I further certify that the total number of ballots cast in the City of San Leandro at said Election was 30,508 <br />and attached hereto is a complete statement of the results showing the number of votes cast at each <br />precinct for and against the measure. <br />I hereby set my hand and my official seal this 30th day of November 2004 at Oakland, California. <br />~ c~ <br />BRAD ~ Y J. CLARK <br />Regi tray of Voters <br />County of Alameda <br />State of California <br />