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t ~ t <br />BAAQMD FY2004 TFCA Funding Agreement <br />ATTACHMENT C <br />MONITORING OF PROJECT PERFORMANCE <br />Quarterly Reports (Section IL6): <br />Due Dates: Apri115, 2005; July 15, 2005; October 15, 2005 <br />The Project Sponsor shall submit brief quarterly reports to the Air District during implementation of the <br />Project. Quarterly reports are required regardless of project activity. Quarterly reports shall provide an <br />update of the Project status, highlighting activity from the most recent quarter. Each report shall provide <br />ridership data and an accounting of expenses incurred to date. Quarterly reports shall be submitted based <br />upon the format provided by the Air District. Invoices will be paid upon receipt of quarterly report. <br />2. Final Report (Section II.6): <br />Due Date: March 1, 2006 <br />The final report shall include the following information in a format approved by the Air District: <br />A. A description of the bus service provided, including routes, stops, and schedule information in <br />relation to the San Leandro Links service. <br />B. The following data for the San Leandro Links service funded by this project: <br />1) average daily ridership; <br />2) total boardings; <br />3) revenue miles of service; and <br />4) model year, engine type, fuel type, gross vehicle weight, and passenger capacity of the vehicles <br />used to provide the shuttle services. <br />C. The results of a ridership survey for the shuttle routes listed in Attachment $. The ridership survey <br />results should include the prior mode of choice for riders using the new shuttle, and their commute <br />trip distance. Prior to conducting the survey, the survey questionnaire must be submitted to the Air <br />District for review and approval. <br />D. A discussion of any pertinent issues or problems that arose during the year of operation, plans to alter <br />and/or continue each shuttle service, and the proposed funding sources for continued service. <br />E. Documentation that TFCA decals have been placed on any vehicles leased with TFCA funds. <br />F. Copies of any promotional materials, press releases, newsletter articles, or other media coverage <br />regarding the Proj eet. <br />3. Amendment (Section IV.9): The Project Sponsor must submit in writing to the Air District Project <br />Contact any requests to revise the Project schedule, TFCA Line Item Project Budget, or scope of work. <br />The Air District will approve or disapprove these requests in writing. <br />TFCA Regional Fund Project 04R69 Page 10 <br />