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federally assisted program. The City of San Leandro shall provide the Subrecipient with <br />any guidelines necessary for compliance with that portion of the regulations in force <br />during the term of this contract. <br />b. Affirmative Action <br />(1) Approved Plan. The Subrecipient agrees that it shall be committed <br />to carry out pursuant to the City of San Leandro's specifications an Affirmative Action <br />Program in keeping with the principles as provided in President's Executive Order <br />11246 of September 24, 1965. The City of San Leandro shall provide Affirmative <br />Action guidelines to the Subrecipient to assist in the formulation of such program. The <br />Subrecipient shall submit a plan for an Affirmative Action Program for approval prior to <br />the award of funds. <br />{2) W/MBE. The Subrecipient will use its best efforts to afford <br />minority and women-owned business enterprises the maximum practicable opportunity <br />to participate in the performance of this contract. As used in this contract, the term <br />"minority and female business enterprise" means a business at least fifty-one (51) <br />percent owned and controlled by minority group members or women. For the purposes <br />of this definition, "minority group members" are Afro-Americans, Spanish-speaking, <br />Spanish surnamed or Spanish-heritage Americans, Asian-Americans, and American <br />Indians. The Subrecipient may rely on written representations by Subrecipients <br />regarding their status as minority and female business enterprises in lieu of an <br />independent investigation. <br />(3) Access to Records. The Subrecipient shall furnish and cause each <br />of its sub-subrecipients to furnish all information and reports required hereunder and <br />will permit access to its books, records and accounts by the Grantee, HUD or its agent, <br />or other authorized federal officials for purposes of investigation to ascertain <br />compliance with the rules, regulations and provisions stated herein. <br />(4) Notifications. The Subrecipient will send to each labor union or <br />representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other <br />contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, <br />advising the labor union or worker's representative of the Subrecipient's commitments <br />hereunder, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to <br />employees and applicants for employment. <br />(5) EEO/AA Statement. The Subrecipient will, in all solicitations or <br />advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Subrecipient, state that it is <br />an Equal Opportunity or Affirmative Action employer. <br />4 <br />Agreement for Landlord Tenant Counseling Services, FY 2004-05 <br />City of San Leandro <br />G:\cd\all council materia112004 07-19; Consent; Fair Housing\Agreement 2004-05-FH.doc <br />