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EXHIBIT A <br />NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A O~ SQ <br />NEGATIVE DECLARATION v ~ ~ <br />A NOTICE, PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL <br />QUALITY ACT OF 1970, AS AMENDED (PUBLIC RESOURCES ;ca ~~~~ <br />CODE 21,000 ET SEQ.), THAT THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO'S 'APO ~~~~~ <br />HOUSING ELEMENT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IlVIPACT <br />ON THE ENVIRONMENT. <br />Project Title: City of San Leandro Housing Element Update (File # GPA 2002-001) <br />Project Description: The proposed Housing Element would replace the 19$9 Housing <br />Element and establish new policies and actions addressing housing conservation and <br />construction in San Leandro. The Element includes a strategy to fulfill the City's <br />Regional Housing Needs Allocation of 870 housing units for the period January 1, 1999 <br />through June 30, 200b (its "fair share assignment"). Adoption of the updated element <br />constitutes an amendment to the San Leandro General Plan. <br />The major components of the Housing Element are a Needs Assessment, an Analysis of <br />Constraints and Resources, and a Housing Plan. The Needs Assessment describes <br />housing, economic and demographic conditions in San Leandro to assess the demand for <br />housing for various income groups and persons with special needs. The Constraints and <br />Resources Analysis identifies potential constraints to housing production in the City and <br />identifies potential sites for new housing construction. This analysis indicates that the <br />City has sufficient land to accommodate its fair share assignment, but must take a number <br />of actions to facilitate construction. The Housing Plan includes guiding goals, policies, <br />specific implementing actions and quantified objectives through the end of the planning <br />period. <br />The Housing Element seeks to maintain and improve San Leandro' neighborhoods and <br />existing housing resources by enforcing housing codes, providing rehabilitation <br />assistance to lower income homeowners, maintaining infrastructure, preserving "at risk" <br />housing units, and creating a better regulatory environment to make housing development <br />easier. It also recommends producing new housing by adopting land use standards that <br />facilitate housing production, addressing infrastructure constraints and improving <br />infrastructure capacity, and developing incentives to promote higher density housing <br />along major transit corridors and around transit facilities such as the BART stations. <br />The Element recommends that San Leandro diversify its housing stock and provide new <br />housing opportunities for persons with special needs, such as the elderly and disabled. A <br />variety of financing and regulatory techniques are recommended to produce new <br />affordable units. A series of policies is presented to encourage affordable housing within <br />new development, including: (1) streamlining permit review requirements, (2) <br />City of San Leandro <br />Housing Element Update <br />Negative Declaration <br />