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The capacity for approximately 1,400 new housing units has been identified in the Housing Element. <br />Because the City's current housing capacity substantially exceeds its fair share assignment, no changes <br />to the City's General Plan Map or Zoning Map are proposed except in cases where rezonings are <br />necessary to accomplish General Plan -Zoning conformance. In other words, adoption of the Housing <br />Element will not change allowable densities or development entitlements on any site in the City. <br />The Housing Plan includes guiding principles, quantified objectives through 2006, snd specific <br />recommendations for implementation. Major components of the Housing Plan are summarized below: <br />Housing Conservation & Preservation. The guiding principles are to maintain and improve San Leandro' <br />neighborhoods and existing housing resources. Actions include: <br />• enforcement of housing codes <br />• owner-occupied housing rehabilitation assistance <br />• maintenance of infrastructure <br />• monitoring and preservation of affordable units "at risk" of converting to market rate rents when <br />subsidies expire <br />• allocation of capital improvement program resources to address rehabilitation and infrastructure <br />needs in older neighborhoods <br />New Housing Production. The guiding principles are to provide adequate sites to accommodate the <br />City's fair share assignment, remove constraints to housing development, and permit secondary dwelling <br />units. Actions include: <br />• Implementing land use standards to facilitate housing production, including minimum densities, <br />mixed use zoning, and atransit-oriented development overlay zone (these standards were all <br />adopted through the Midtown Specific Plan) <br />• Improving roadway, water, sewer, and storm drainage capacity to ensure housing and affordable <br />housing development production under established General Plan densities <br />• Initiation of rezonings for a handful of properties that are already identified for possible housing <br />sites <br />• Creation of new zoning regulations and zoning districts to implement General Plan <br />recommendations related to housing production <br />Housing Diversity and Affordability. The guiding principles are to expand the number of new affordable <br />housing units, support housing for persons with special needs, and support diversity and creativity in <br />housing development. Actions include: <br />• Using a variety of financing tools to facilitate the development of low and very low income <br />housing <br />• Maintaining a goal that 15 percent of the dwellings in Redevelopment Project Areas be set aside <br />as "affordable" <br />• Allowing fee subsidies for projects with substantial numbers of affordable units <br />• Exploring the feasibility of a first time homebuyers program <br />• Allowing transitional housing and emergency shelter in appropriate zoning districts within the City <br />• Promoting public outreach and education on affordable housing issues <br />• Providing housing support for persons with disabilities <br />Fair Housing. The guiding principle is to eliminate housing discrimination. Actions include: <br />• Working with appropriate local agencies to advocate on behalf of local households on <br />discrimination issues <br />10. Surrounding Land uses and Setting: <br />San Leandro includes a variety of residential, commercial, industrial, public, and open space land uses. <br />Residential areas are located on both sides of Interstate 880 from the Bay-O-Vista neighborhood in the <br />hills to the Marina Faire residential areas near the San Leandro Shoreline. Industrial uses are primarily <br />located in the western part of the City, in the area west of Interstate 880. Commercial uses are located <br />along major thoroughfares, around major freeway interchanges, in the Downtown and at the Bayfair Mall, <br />San Leandro's sole regional shopping mall. <br />Initial Study* San Leandro Housing Element Update* Page 2 November 12, 2002 <br />