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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1.0 SUMMARY <br />This document specifies the Scope of Work for providing Digital Orthophotos and a planimetric <br />update of the entire City of San Leandro. The City requires the following deliverables (All <br />deliverables will become the property of the City of San Leandro): <br />1.1 Project Deliverables: <br />• A flight rnap with control locations will be provided prior to the flight. <br />• One (1) photo index will be provided of all 9" x 9" photography printed at a nominal <br />scale to fit on a 24" X 36" sheet. <br />• A DTM will be collected to support production of 1" = 40' scale orthophotos as well as <br />contours at two foot intervals and spot elevations. HJW will update the original DTM <br />collected in 1997 and deliver updated DTM for the entire project area, which will include <br />breaklines, masspoints, patches and other interim data in ASCII and ArcGIS format. <br />• Two sets of the DTM in ASCII format. <br />• Black and white orthophotography at 1 "=40' with quarter foot pixels will be delivered in <br />Geo_TIFF and MrSID formats (each the and mosaic of all tiles). The tiling scheme will <br />match the original delivery of 1500' X 1000'. Horizontal datum will be NAD 83 <br />California State Plane, Zone III, (Feet) coordinates. <br />• A set of 1 "=100' and 1 "=200' rnylars containing the orthophotography, topographic data <br />and street names will be delivered. HJW will deliver a sample plot at each scale prior to <br />production for review. <br />• Contour data will be delivered in ESRI ArcGIS 8.2 format as two foot contour coverages. <br />• Planimetric data will be updated and delivered in ESRI ArcGIS 8.2. Features that will be <br />updated include road edges, buildings, traffic signals and utility pole data (street lights, <br />telephone poles and any other transmission poles, if applicable) as separate coverages. <br />• Database of the ground control points used to generate the orthophotos. Fields in the <br />database shall be: monument/benchmark name and number (if the point is a City or <br />County monument or benchmark), NAD 1983 X, Y, and Z coordinates, and RMS error <br />associated with coordinates. <br />Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 <br />03/07/03 Hammon, Jensen, Waller & Associates, Inc. <br />