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A.PPEN~~X A <br />ACTIA REQUIREMENTS <br />Applicable abridged excerpts from Agreement between ACTIA and City: <br />... All funds advanced by SPONSOR shall be accounted for by invoices detailing <br />services performed and payments made, which. shall conform to the invoice format <br />shown in EXHIBIT "C," "Request for Reimbursement." Approval of invoices will be <br />contingent on the submittal of Progress Reports herein detailed and shown in EXHIBIT <br />"C," "Project Progress Reports." <br />ACTIA EXHIBIT "C" <br />ACTIA EXPENDITURE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPITAL <br />PROJECTS <br />With the extension of Measure B passed by the voters in November 2000, a higher level <br />of reporting and accountability by ACTIA is mandated in the voter approved Expenditure <br />Plan. ACTIA will track the expenditures of Measure B dollars to vendors, whether they <br />are prime consultants or Contractors or subcontractors and whether expenditures are for <br />professional services, construction or construction management/inspection. Measure B <br />expenditures are provided through a funding agreement between ACTIA and a <br />SPONSOR which in turn enters into agreements with vendors. ACTIA will maintain a <br />database of vendors that receive Measure B funds whether through an agreement with <br />ACTIA or with a SPONSOR. ACTIA will require that the same information be provided <br />for all contracts to be funded with Measure B dollars and this requirement is incorporated <br />into the funding agreement between ACTIA and the SPONSOR. Request for <br />reimbursement requirements are shown in Appendix A and reporting requirements are <br />shown in Appendix B of this EXHIBIT. <br />Requests for reimbursement from SPONSORS or invoices from vendors will not be <br />considered for payment without the required information. Deficient submittals will be <br />returned to the SPONSOR for re-submittal. <br />Attachments: <br />1) ACTIA Expenditure Reporting Requirements -Requests for Reimbursement from <br />Project Sponsors <br />2) ACTIA Expenditure Reporting Requirements Project Progress Report <br />Page A-1 <br />