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ADA Priority X <br />• Provides additional transportation option for ADA riders <br />• Service will be provided by (2) wheelchair accessible shuttle <br />buses <br />• Service supplements EBP by providing additional local <br />transportation <br />Complements Other Area Transit Services X <br />• Demand management strategy -frees up EBP and serves as a <br />feeder to other transit <br />Provide transportation to key locations in San Leandro for seniors and X <br />ADA <br />• Shuttle provides additional in-town transportation option for <br />ADA eligible riders <br />• Shuttle provides in-town transportation for seniors that are not <br />ADA eligible but have difficulty using other forms of <br />transportation <br />Continuation of Senior Day Trip Programs X <br />• Allows for reduced, but continued provision of Senior Day Trip <br />Program <br />Flexibility of Service/Level of Service X <br />• Reliability of fixed route combined with convenience of limited <br />dial-a-ride service <br />Out-of--town transportation for persons that are not ADA eligible, but X <br />have difficulty using other forms of transportation <br />Out-of--town transportation for ADA eligible riders that need X <br />transportation outside of the mandated route or hours of operation. (In <br />FY 2002-03, the City of San Leandro purchased extra service from <br />ATC/EBP to meet this need. EBP will no longer contract with the City <br />for this additional service.) <br />ERROR! UNRIVOWN DOCUMENT PROPERTY NAME. <br />ERRORI UNKNOWN DOCUMENT PROPERTY NAME. <br />Error) Unknown document property name. <br />Error) Unknown document property name. <br />